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Everything posted by NOWED4ME

  1. Sput... Who is mocking? I am certainly not. Why are you getting defensive? I am here to learn. You send your missionaries to my door to teach and I am coming to you to learn. I think you are approaching it all wrong. If the roles were reversed and your daughter wanted to get married..somewhere else, how would you feel and the doors were shut on you? How would you feel? Truth? It's just a simple question....
  2. Sorry Laureltree, I don't agree, it's just not the same (it's (a cermony) after the fact). My brother raised my niece by example He doesn't drink caffiene and has never smoked. He loves his wife, he has raised two wonderful children. So I don't think he has any working to do on himself as you suggested. Or does he need to change. He's a great dad, a great brother a great person! I guess we just have to disagree. God Bless...
  3. Truthfully, who decides who is worthy and who isn't? Isn't that God's decision and not man's? My niece is opting for a small ceremony so it's not a "thing" about having 10 bridesmaids. It's the opportunity for her father to walk her down the aisle in the presence of God, family and friends and all join in the celebration of her wedding vows. So now my brother who has raised an adorable, wonderful daughter is going to be standing outside the temple as she is married. I have the utmost respect for your beliefs...but I question this one. Is there something in the bible that says anything about this?
  4. My niece is LDS and getting married soon. We are non-LDS and are very hurt by the Mormon Church. I take it that non-Mormons are unworthy to step inside a temple. You send your missionaries to our doors and we invite you in our homes....we want to enter your house of worship and you shut us out. Why? Do you think when you get to Heaven and God is standing before you that he will ask you why didn't you welcome everyone into your home, as I welcome everyone into mine? It doesn't matter what road you's the direction you are headed that counts. Please help me understand...because I don't.