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  1. Hello, this is my first post on your website. I need some advice. I have been dating a wonderful man who I love dearly for a few months now. We got engaged a few weeks ago. Before I consented to marry him, I prayed to ask if he was the man I should marry. I received the most direct answer I've ever gotten (I actually heard a audible voice say "yes") and felt good about it at the time. My fiance is really one of the kindest, most spiritual men I've ever met. A few weeks ago, I really started to feel that things weren't right. I don't have any real reason for believing this, it's just what I've been feeling. I love him dearly and have wanted to be with him. I've been miserable because I've felt that things aren't right, even though I've acted really happy around him and around others. I just really don't think it's right between us, but I can't figure out why. I know he has the Spirit with him, and we get along wonderfully. He does have some physical limitations which I think might be a bit of a problem in the future, but it's nothing life threatening. It only affects what activities he can participate in. Also, we're not entirely financially stable, so when we were to be married, things would be difficult. Are these feelings I'm having from God? Should I break things off with him? I really don't know what I should do. Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!