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  1. Thanks, Now its just a matter of waking up in time...
  2. So, some of you may remember me for some "interesting" Problems I had. well, that's pretty much dealt with. but I lost track of the church, and because of work (What an Excuse) Started skipping, I have not been to my ward for over a year. In November I quit my job to pursue another Career and now have Sundays off. I've been to one meeting where I wandered in Quite unprepared to be at church (I was a ride in a ward far far away) So enough of the typing and telling of the story My question is How does one get back on the right track? I finally managed to give up smoking, I'm following the WoW and I just need to get back into going to service and having Sunday being Gods day. Can I have some Advice? X Normandy Park, Washington
  3. And inside my mail is a credit card. I got a Credit card, from the same company that I Bankrupted less than a year ago, I had to file for Bankruptcy because of medical issues, and the card was included. I'm glad that I got a Credit card so I can Start building my credit. But I'm trying to be responsible, And tips, As I do need to rebuild my credit- I'm not trying to be super credit boy.. but It would be nice to be able to buy a newer car if I wanted too, or a new computer on credit... So any advice on credit stuff would be great.
  4. Spoke to my Bishop today. He talked to me about what would have happened if I had been a M. priesthood holder, and he told me that I need to think about it, and he also gave me advice about what to do. And the words that he gave me, were the same as I had come to think, Trust. I can't go into a marriage without trust. I told him, my plan. Was to slow it down. and try and see if I could rebuild the trust, and see if there was a chance. I'm not gonna run away but I will walk and see what happens. I also Got A hair cut... But he also told me that I should go to the Des Moines Ward for sacrament because It is at 9. and ours it at 11 so at least that solves that problem. now if only I can get to ward coordination and meet with the missionaries and quit smoking. and and and and
  5. John doe. Love your XKCD Avatar... Although longer I would like to use the Dear God, YES MY CHILD? I would like to file a bug report
  6. There was this Lady at my ward, about my age who had just converted. I liked her quite a bit. before all of this. Hmm...
  7. Hey all, As most of you know I have been going through some tough times lately. and I have been tempted to break the words of wisdom, although I have broken one, I started smoking again. I have however vowed not to break the other words of wisdom, I need help getting back on track, I think part of my problem is my current work situation that keeps me away from pretty much all of the church activities. (My boss isn't willing to work with me on this) I have prayed and prayed and read scriptures for that feeling that I had prior to joining the church, that got me to quit in the first place. I don't know what to do. I'm back up to a pack a day. It hurts that I can't even follow the basic of commandments. Any advice would be appreciated BTW: I have smoked since I was 13, and my parents smoked my entire life. so its really hard. Along with everything else in my life, 2009 was a crappy year except for my baptism. I'm praying for a good 2010
  8. Thanks for Serving, Hopefully I will have the chance to serve again, and get to the sand pit, 7 years in and no deployment, I can't give any advice on a partner joining the church. Hijack.. WHAT is with the green jello? end hijack
  9. My bishop has not gotten back to me on this subject. I talked to him. he told me he would call me. I am leaning strongly towards walking away. I am afraid to be alone. I don't do well. I'm thinking about re-enlisting in the military. My career is going no where, and my country is all I have. I've given my country a good portion of my life. (reserve time) and it will take my mind of some of the crappy things that have happened. I have had bad relationship after bad relationship. I end up going for girls with kids. and I end up being dad. I'm thinking that its time for me to just give up. I don't know. I guess I'm rambling.
  10. Just got done talking to her, She was crying the entire time. She didn't tell me because she was afraid. afraid that I would leave her. The babies due date is April 27th. She wants me there. she thought about abortion when she found out it wasn't mine because she didn't want to scare me away. But then she decided that she couldn't do that because that would make me mad. and definitely leave her. I asked her if she had been reading the BOM that I sent her and she told me yes. I asked her if she would go to services for me, while in Paris and she agreed. So, after actually talking to her for about an hour. We came to a partial decision. That we would take our time. I would come visit a couple more times. we would continue to talk on a regular basis, and that things aren't the same. But it doesn't make a difference to me weather the kid is mine or not. She came clean to me. she told me why and she lied. I'm not happy about the situation. But I still Really care about her. the advice I have gotten on this board has been a huge help in letting me handle this, I told her that this does change things. but I still have feelings for her. I don't know yet if I'm gonna marry her. I don't know yet if It will even work out. but I'm gonna give it a shot, She was sincere today when I talked to her. She was crying most of the time. Only God knows what happens from here.
  11. Your words, they Strengthen me. I'm still torn. but I know that I think I need to be objective. and I'm leaning more towards Leaving this situation. I'm still kind of in shock. I'm still hurting. Its just been a lot of Hard relationships for me over the years and this was the first time I felt loved back. kinda sad huh.
  12. I don't know if I mentioned this. I went in September. The baby is due in April. it was before me. She told me there was someone before me. but I didn't quite understand her in thinking she "HAD BEEN WITH HIM" she wanted to tell me. But didn't know how. atleast on the phone. that is why she had her sister do it. and I think that it was better that her sister told me because I would have probably just hung up on her. Yes, I know I need to think about this. And that is what I'm doing. Edited for another note, My membership in the church has not been questioned. I still have the Priesthood. She has a Book of Mormon, (In Tagalog) She knows that Religion is important to me and has said she would like me to baptize her. She has been working with missionaries.(assuming my Bishop will let me, him and I have not really gotten along to well). I agree, the Biodad Has a chance and need to stand up. I Cried myself to sleep, Last night. probably not something someone of my Statue should be saying out loud. I just couldn't figure it out. But I'm feeling pretty good about my decision I've made so far. I don't run. I made a promise to her, and I intend on keeping it. Edited again for Ages, 26 For my self 34 for her. Edited again for my personal feelings. Even after all of this I have forgiven her. My pride hurt, Yes. do I think It can still work, Yes. Zach Monroe.
  13. I am going back and forth on this... I don't know what to do. Part of me wants to stand up and be there. part of me wants to walk away. I'm not so sure.. kinda depressed. Thank you Dr. for a cabinet full of Medications to help with that... FYI: I'm Bipolar, with depression, PTSD. I'm used to dealing with depression. I'm just going through the stages.
  14. I'm Filipino As well, Although only an 1/8th and she doesn't appear to be a psycho, She does speak English well but not Conversationally. there are times when we don't understand each other. Her aunt is like a second mom to me, and Her sister is an outstanding woman. She asked her sister to tell me about the situation, and her sister and I had about a two hour conversation, I felt broken hearted at first. but now I know how I feel. I grew up never know what it was like to have a real family. I grew up with my grandmother, never having a father figure really. The neighborhood I grew up in is dotted with houses where I am always welcome, because I became like family. I have vowed in my life to make a difference. I may not be this boys father but god be willing I will do the best job I can. I'm talking to my bishop for advice, I have talked to the missionaries at my ward. And even though I am around the world from her I still constantly have her on my mind. I still believe in her the same way I did. the same way I am. Her sister asked me when we were done with the conversation.... how I felt, I told her I need to think, And she responded to me that no matter my decision there would be no hard feelings. and she reassured me that her sister does have feelings for me. This hurts. But I'm happy for her. and I think I'm happy for me too.
  15. I know, I know... its a long story. I trust her and her family.. a family that has been like family me for a long time. I'm going to Stand up, And be there.