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  1. I agree that it's not the only solution, but I still think some men/boys drive themselves crazy trying not to, and then slip up. And then they beat themselves up and feel like there is no hope or like they can't ever live worthily. I know this, because my boyfriend struggles with this. I don't think it is something that should keep someone out of the temple, from getting married, from going on a mission, as long as pornography or thoughts of vulgar type acts like rape aren't involved. Some boys have even done that since they were like five! In fact, I have heard many who have. I feel like it's just one of those natural things that, while not the best way to solve intimate feelings, it happens. In many cases, many boys/men who feel like hope is lost and lose their confidence, fall into inactivity.... it's really upsetting to me as a year long member, seeing this kind of thing happen.
  2. I'm having trouble seeing how it is physically possible for a person to NEVER get aroused, especially a man. I am a female, but even I have intimate, passionate feelings toward my boyfriend. How can a girl know she is PHYSICALLY attracted to a man without feeling some sort of spark? If I touch a guys hand and feel nothing, I might as well be holding a stone. I spend eternity with a man that I can't be physically attracted to. I also have a hard time believing that any male missionary has gone a full year without masturbation. It's kind of like a biological need for men to do that every now and then right? I am asking seriously because I am having trouble seeing how anyone ever actually makes it to the temple without lying? This comment is not meant to be derogatory or negative, but a serious question and concern. I love the gospel, have been in the church for about a year and a half, but this is something so many young single adults can't get downpat. Why is it that a single though or touching oneself a single time makes you unworthy for the temple for an entire year? Isn't this what the atonement is for? I have heard stories of people who want so badly to be a faithful member, and it tortures them because they will slip up one time and feel terrible about themselves, talk to the bishop, and be asked to go an entire year. How is this even possible? It feels very cruel to me.