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Everything posted by NevadaGal1

  1. 9. Dedicating or blessing the home "Since the most important work we do is done at home, it seems appropriate for a father to invoke a blessing on the home. The First Presidency has advised that homes not be formally dedicated until they are free from debt. A rented home or apartment could have a blessing pronounced on it, though. Since our home is not yet paid for, we invoked, in the privacy of our family, the blessings of heaven on our home and on all that pertains to it." Thanks Ben - this info is most helpful. At least I have somewhere to start. Thanks to everyone else for their help as well. I had already looked at the "Priesthood Ordinances and Blessing" and as it mentions how to perform a blessing it isn't specific in Blessings on a new home. I will check our library at the Ward Building to see if they have the old manual to see what is there.
  2. My husband and I just purchased a new home and would like to have a blessing on the home prior to moving in. I have searched and the other sites looking for how to do this. Our Bishop told us that this is not done that often anymore, but it still happens at times. Does anyone know the protocol? I'm not sure what ordinance this falls under - Special Blessing of Comfort perhaps?