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Thetruechurch's Achievements

  1. Got my calling, I have been called to serve in the Perth Australia Mission :)
  2. Critics argue like to argue that horses in the Book of Mormon is non-historical and that there are no evidences of actual horses on the American Continent prior to the arrival of Europeans. I was reading about Utah and something called "petroglyphs" which are ancient cave paintings by Native Americans, all thousands of years old. Bryce Canon in Utah is full of these. So I google imaged "Bryce canyon petrogylphs": then this came up: This image is a cave painting in Bryce canyon: It is thousands of years old, from a culture which dwelled in Utah for possibly 10,000 years (presuming its not a fraud) and what do we see? A man depicted on a horse shooting arrows! A genuine trait of horses existing in America's deep past contrary to what everyone thought. European men did not discover the existence of this place and culture up until the late 19th century And nobody else seems to have even noticed this?
  3. LDS Church News - Growth of Church in remote central Africa is remarkable See the link above: In recent years the growth of the church has began to accelerate at a rapid pace in Africa. Aided by the fact that convert retention rates in many African countries are incredibly high (up to 90% in the Democratic Republic of the Congo). Thus many new stakes and congregations are being organized. The faith and dedication of the members is incredible. What's more incredible is that the missionary work required to build the stake was performed by branch missionaries, not full time ones. And the blessings from their work show, rapid church growth. The Kingdom of God is reaching out and flourishing in the poorest countries on Earth. Whereas here in England, 99.9% of the people will not touch Christianity.
  4. Statistics all seem to point out that the Church is growing rapidly in Texas. However, is it truthful that there seems to be a trend of Californian members of the church now migrating into Texas? One LDS growth researcher did make this claim a while back. Which may be a key factor behind such staunch growth. Another thing I also read, indicated Mormon and Conservatives Californians were leaving California for Texas because of the states obsession with boosting homosexuality. California may well be seen increasingly as a liberal hell hole which is becoming difficult for Christians to live in. Whereas the lone star state is one of the most Christian and upright states in America. Anyway, Texas has now more members than any state that was not colonized by the pioneers of the church and membership numbers have doubled since 1990. With only Utah, California, Idaho and Arizona having more members now. Membership in Texas is increasing by about 9000 a year and the total will reach over 300,000 this year. Wards and branches are being created at a continual pace (6 new ones this year already). Stake numbers are also rising. Is this rapid growth all down to migration of members from california? or are the missions in texas actually getting lots and lots of baptisms too? The growth of the church in the lone star state surprises me a lot. With it being a very religious and conservative state however, it is after all not hard to talk about Jesus Christ with people and the environment being heavily religious does stop the social factors working against converts.
  5. I haven't posted in this forum for a while now, but I'm back, I'd just like to tell everyone that my Mission call has been made and I'm waiting for it to arrive in the post. When it comes I'll be sure to post it on here. I joined the church here in England two years ago, I never saw myself going on a mission even after I joined. I can honestly say that I felt the Holy Spirit change my heart one evening at a youth activity, which pushed me onwards to serve a mission before I go to college. I am really looking forwards to serving the lord and finding out in a few days where I go. How many RM's do we have on here?
  6. This scripture is one I have been thinking about for a long time. For me it seems to be making some kind of prediction/connection with the book of Mormon. Specifically, I think it refers to when Martin Harris taken the Anthon transcript (characters copied from the golden plates of Nephi) to professor Charles Anthon (being a gifted professor, he is the one who is learned) and Anthon specifically told Harris that "I could not read a sealed" book. Biblical prophecy fulfilled? Or just a coincidence, or could those verses be referring to something else?
  7. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints membership history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia this wikipedia article contradicts the chart, the article claiming 314,510 joined the church in 2008 based on the difference from the membership in 2007 (meaning it includes an increase in children on record aswell). However the same article claims 341,491 have joined the church this year, and I have no idea where that's came from...
  8. Although towering above us in membership, the catholic church possibly has more inactive members on percentage than we do. Simply because you get a high amount of babies that are christened catholic after birth and never actually play an involvement in the faith. I also go to a catholic school, and most of the people I know there were simply people born into catholic backgrounds and couldn't care aless anymore (only a couple of members of staff are actually active catholic). That's in contrast to most people who are born and raised into mormonism usually stick by, and I've noticed that a possible 60% of the active members in my ward are people who have been born into the faith.
  9. Whilst I agree the quality of conversions is most important, I also like to enjoy looking at the numbers of conversions to see the good work being done and the gospel spread throughout the world, it kind of adds up that there is "no stopping us" despite all the perscution and all the hatred we face. However in relation to membership: I am so pleased that to hear my friend who is on his mission in Dublin, has worked hard not just converting people but getting large numbers of inactive members back active again (which is brilliant to be fair). :)
  10. When do you guess this will happen? The day the lord will make his return to earth is something that always ponders dearly upon my mind. Although nobody specifically knows when, we know these are the last days, but when I look at the prophecies on the last days building up to christs return (some are fulfilled, some are yet to happen), I have the feeling that it will be another 100-200 years. Signs of the Times - Mormonism, The Mormon Church, Beliefs, & Religion - MormonWiki this page on the Mormon wiki gives an interesting overview of the "signs of the times" and all the prophecies that were set in the old testament and by joseph Smith to when the 2nd coming will occur. Like I some of them are happening (or happened) but many are still to be fulfilled. Thoughts on this?
  11. Now that its nearing the end of the year, when are they released? I am eager to see how many people joined the church this year, one estimate is that the churches total membership will be 13,850,000 at the end of the year; as apparently baptism rates in the US and in other countries have boomed. Although unconfirmed, this year is possibly highest year for growth since 1999, again defining critics claims that the church growth is slowing down, or declining.
  12. well maybe its not official, but I wouldn't discredit the information they are providing. If you look at the content of what they post and regularity of it they obviously have a great deal of sources and contacts from around the world providing them with their information. So as a result of that it would indicate they hold some kind of position as a result.
  13. Excellent news, according to LDS Church Growth. It also gives some very positive news on the growth throughout other countries. and yet some people are seriously convinced that our church is a sinking ship! I have to say though, it feels so good to see the gospel slowly spread throughout the world. Nobody can stop the work from being done. I just get the feeling that this year has been a grand year for growth in the church, and I can't wait to see the statistics released on how many converts and births into the church there has been this year.