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  1. Hello, everyone My name is Joy and I am in North Georgia. I am married and have one child. I am currently a SAHM, but I was a teacher. I am trying to return to the church. My parents joined in the late 70s or very early 80s. They quickly fell away. Fast-forward a few years. My husband and I tried to decide on a family religion. As I knew very little about being LDS and he was a non-observant cradle Catholic, we decided upon Catholicism. Without going into much detail, his "enthusiasm" didn't last long. Anyway, after much investigation I am considering returning to church. I've been trying to go back to church, talking to the missionaries and such. My husband doesn't like it at all, but he's not willing to compromise either. I would like to find others who can strenghten me on my journey and who would like to be my friend.