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Everything posted by GothLDSMrthnRunnr

  1. hey Mataeis: Your post was.... awesome :-) Just finished reading it and I am sure will re-read it again in the future. We should compare notes one day from a person also interested in semetic religious beliefs.
  2. Yeah, just like the three Nephites... and yes, Benjamin Button did age whereas its my understanding John does not. - Justin
  3. Did you hear the one about the 2,000 year old Apostle John? My ward was reading through the chapter in gospel principles about the early church (in former times) and we were discussing the fates (or non fates) of the 12 apostles. The teacher mentioned that the apostle John was still alive, basing this on the scripture where Jesus said that John would not die before he saw the 2nd Coming. It was my interpretation that John did see the 2nd coming (in vision in the book of Revelation) but that he died and went to Heaven. So... is it true that the Apostle John is in some sort of arrested state of aging, Benjamin Button style, and that he continues to walk the Earth? Hmmm.. I wonder what ward he goes to. Thoughts? Comments? - Justin
  4. Hi YMR: President Paul Beck seems nice and genuine. Listen to his advice, I believe you will benefit. I knew some of the Spanish speaking elders and sisters in the Phoenix North Stake, they're good people so I imagine that your transition will be fairly easy. As for the area, its typically middle class, and the people here are great. - Justin
  5. The fascinating thing is in Christendom Melchizedek has such a small role in Christian faith. When I was a young Bible student the fact that there was little or any information about him sparked my imagination since Hebrews mentions he has no begining or end, almost as if he was a spiritual personage, like a fictional character that has always been. - Justin
  6. I like you for your avatar alone. Thank you for the friendly welcome. heh...heh... - Justin
  7. Thank you D&C (Ha!) for your questions left to ponder. I have already read a few of your posts and perceive you have a lot of insight into the faith. - Justin
  8. Thanks Hemi! 12,000+ posts?!? Whoa, that's quite a canon! - Justin
  9. Hi RanMan (a fellow marathon runner perhaps?) I do belong to the Phoenix North Stake and I have met President Paul Beck on several occasions. I live in the North Phoenix / Glendale area. Since I am relatively new I do not know if I would have as much familiarity with everyone in my stake as you do, but I appreciate your help. - Justin
  10. Hi MM: I do like Poe... I'm also a fan of Lovecraft, Ligotti, and some of the scary parts of the Bible. What music do u like / play? - Justin
  11. Good Morning / Afternoon / Evening: I just wanted to introduce myself, and see where it leads. My name is Justin and I am a recent convert to the Church of Jesus Christ For Latter Day Saints. I am looking for a forum where I can start a dialogue with some of you, of different ages and backgrounds with the aim of seeking advice. I do like to have religious discussions with people face-to-face but sometimes the anonymity aspect does appeal to me. I currently go to a family ward in Phoenix, AZ and I feel a little out of place since I feel like I do not fit the mold of my fellow brothers and sisters there. I have no family in the Church, my politics tend to be left-leaning, and I have a background in the Goth lifestyle. So far everyone in my ward has been nice to me. I initially became interested in the Church through observing several of my LDS coworkers. On an outdoors trip through Utah where I managed to do some hiking in Springdale and Moab, I managed to take a tour of the temple in Salt Lake City and I was impressed with the Church and how it was organized. I requested a study, and two sister missionaries taught me about Heavenly Father and the Savior. I completed my studies and on November 28th I was baptized as a member of the Church. I am in good standing, I serve in the priesthood and I have a goal of visiting the Mesa Temple one day so I can work on my family history. I believe the Church is truly a great one, its Prophets are humble and supportive, and the words found in the holy writings are true. From my household to yours, I wish all of you and your families a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a better new year. CTR. God Bless. - Justin