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  1. Thanks for that comment, I'm glad you enjoy it. Just wanted to drop another reminder here about this, we've just done some upgrading. Please don't ban me, I am just trying to tell people about this helpful thing. From Jeff
  2. I'm actually not the same person. The other person was my brother -- this is the first post I've made and it should be the first from this IP, unless someone else in the house here has an account, which is possible. Anyway, I saw that he had plugged it earlier but apparently didn't follow protocol and his post was deleted. I wasn't aware of any second posting promoting the site ... there was a post under the username zionlist_com, which was banned as an inappropriate username. Anyway, sorry if my efforts to do something good have offended people.
  3. I have founded a website which is newest submissions : . It's an aggregator for Mormon links and discussions. You should all visit it. : )