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Posts posted by personne

  1. Hello, I come to bring some new to you, since the great jump, I do not go too much to the church, in six hours I will be there, I slept very little with heat . I am afraid, I know that I filled not too my obligations. I change area, in one month, and I wondered how I would smell it low, if the members were accessible all like here. It will be easier to go to the church, I would live alone.

  2. Do you have auto translation built into your web browser, or just using something like babelfish? :D

    :mad: Cela vous amuse de vous moquer d'autrui ? Ne vous a t'on pas appris à respecter son prochain, même si il est étranger, non ? Je suis désolée, mais cela c'est mal orthographier. Au revoir.

    ps: J'hésiterai avant d'écrire la prochaine fois et d'ouvrir un nouveau topic !!!:mad:

  3. hello I arrive a little late so sorry.Since that the death came into my house, i prayed at the time I believe in god .. I had religious education, later, except a baptism (others) but my view has changed. I see the life differently.

  4. Hello, In this world there are people who are agnostics or atheism. When I open my Bible, I think that if there is written that there is an existence somewhere. there are many religions in the world, I think it's not for nothing. Who would have written these books if god does not exist ?

    There is none like unto thee, O Lord! You are great, and your name is great in strength ... It was he who made the earth by his power, who established the world by his wisdom, and who, by his intelligence, has stretched out the heavens.

  5. Hello. I have a problem with the Jehovah's Witnesses .. they often call at home, please help me. they are losing ground as I possess a document on the new converts and apostates .. They seek to recruit. They said only the Jehovah's Witnesses are assured of surviving the destruction of our wicked world. Come on, come join us .. they annoy me to tell me about this passage and TG .. all the wicked and those who do not accept the faith of Jehovah's Witnesses are destroyed! The love of God can then settle between his children ...