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  1. hehe the things you can find on the internet: How to Make Small Talk | eHow.com
  2. Not that extreme! But smalltalk is difficult for me,... I'll survive though :-/.
  3. I used to be shy, but my mission helped me out a lot. But how do girls feel about guys who are simply quiet? I mean I noticed with many of my missionary companions that I just enjoyed silence a lot more than they did, but I guess that makes me incredibly boring >_<. Thoughts?
  4. jacobh


    Thanks for the welcome
  5. jacobh


    Hi, I'm new here so I thought I'd introduce myself. I just got back last week from serving a mission in the Oklahoma, Oklahoma City Mission (Spanish speaking) and so I'm still trying to get used to this whole being not-being-a-missionary thing. Lot's of fun!