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Everything posted by Wiki_Wonka

  1. FAIR has a very detailed response to a lot of the material on MormonThink. The MT webmaster regularly posts on an anti-Mormon board and talks about his progress in attempting to turn members away from the Church. Here's the summary from the FAIR Wiki (don't know if I'm allowed to link to it, but if you go to the FAIR Wiki main page there is a link to all of the MT subarticles. Just Google "MormonThink" and you will see the FAIR Wiki as the #2 search result right after the MT website itself): "The web site claims to be operated by active members of the Church with an interest in objectively presenting the "truth" about Mormonism. In reality, only the webmaster retains his membership, and he admits that he does so in order to retain credibility so he can more easily influence other members to accept his claims. The remaining website contributors are ex-Mormons who frequently post on anti-Mormon message boards. The webmaster is, by his own admission, pretending to be semi-active in order to destroy members' and missionaries' testimonies from within the social structure of the Church. The site pretends to be "balanced" by presenting information and links to apologetic sites, however, the conclusions reached by the site consistently reflect negatively on the Church's truth claims. The site also contains a large amount of Temple content." I should note that MT recently removed their temple content, because the webmaster said that it was preventing the spouses of the MT contributors from being willing to look at the website.