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  1. Thanks a lot Dravin and Finrock. It did pass me by that the chapter was actually just Issiah 48. I think the source of my confusion is that the translation was a tad different, so I didn't recognize it at first. That really cleared a lot up, thanks guys
  2. Hi everyone. I don't claim to be an expert on Mormonism or Calvinism, but I was reading the Book of Mormon today and saw two passages that caught my attention: 1 Nephi 20:8 and 1 Nephi 20:10 I'm not sure if it's okay from a copyright perspective to post portions of the Book of Mormon so I'll jut name the verses for now. Anyway, in 1 Nephi 20:8, it says there are people called transgressors from the womb. Does that mean Mormons share the "total depravity" belief Calvinism shares, that all men are sinful from conception? The reason I bring up 20:10 also is because it reminds me of the belief of unconditional election (that some people are chosen to be saved and others not). Anyway I don't mean this accusingly, I was just curious if I was mis-reading, and if there was a Mormon opinion about Total Depravity and Unconditional Election.