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  1. Missionary work is something I've struggled with for a long time. Even though I served a full time mission to the best of my ability, I still struggle with preaching the gospel. On my mission, I frequently got a stomachache knocking on people's doors, and if I think about it now, that pit in my stomach comes back just as strong. The entire side of my mom's family is not LDS, and despite fact that I grew up in the church, the gospel wasn't really discussed in my home all that much. When I was in middle school I was invited by one of my friends to attend his Presbyterian church barbeque and although I didn't take him up on the offer, I remember the strange way it made me feel. There have been other people that have tried to befriend me into their religion and it always made me uncomfortable. As a result of my past experiences, I grew up learning how to relate to people not of our faith in different ways, and I totally respect individuals for who they are. I've never wanted to make others have the same feelings I've experienced when other religions have been pushed on me, even in subtle ways. This, however, makes it very difficult for me to open my mouth sometimes about the church. My extended relatives have made it quite clear they don't want anything to do with Mormonism and so I've rarely discussed it with them. Truthfully, if I were called to go on a mission now in my 30s, it would be very difficult for me to take that leap of faith, and sometimes I wonder if missionary service in the spirit world is just as challenging as it is on Earth. Does anyone else have similar fears or feelings about missionary work? I know it's a true principle, but I worry that my apprehensive nature toward it will ultimately prevent me from returning to live with Heavenly Father and the Savior.
  2. Thank you all for your encouraging words and advice. Wearing garments has always been a bit of a struggle for me, and one that has been amplified by my lack of face to face interaction with fellow saints. I can cover my garment top with ease; the problem is my bottoms. I'm going to just look for thicker pants and try to remember that persecution is part of being a Mormon. That is, however, so much easier said than done. Thank you again.
  3. Hi, Everyone. I work and live at a university in a remote area of China which hires 90% of its faculty from Born Again Christian universities. I'm terrified that they will find out I'm LDS because I've been treated so poorly in the past by other Christians, and I don't want to be persecuted or isolated because of my beliefs. As a result, I continually wear dark colored pants or khakis that are thick to cover any chance of these people detecting my garment lines. So, my main question is this: do the garment lines on men garment briefs look similar to the lines on boxers? Is there any type of clothing you recommend that I purchase to completely cover what I'm wearing beneath the surface? I appreciate your time and responses to my question. Thanks!
  4. Thank you everyone for your insight. I suppose we don't know much about these kingdoms because the Lord doesn't want us aiming to go there instead of where He resides. If we knew too much information about them, some of us might settle for spending eternity in another realm than God wants us to.
  5. Hi, Everyone. I'm new here and I've been wondering something for a long time. I can't seem to find much information about it on the Internet, so I thought I'd pose the question in this forum. Does anyone know what people do in the kingdoms below the highest degree of the Celestial Glory? I understand there is progression in those places, but are they similar to cities we live in now but on a more majestic scale? I'm exceptionally curious how people spend their time in these locales and would appreciate any input you have. Thanks!