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Everything posted by Panacea27

  1. wow how does anyone feel about what the smilies under "show all smilies" looks like? I don't understand the necessity of using the bad guys from video games of our childhood to express anything we have to say in a's supposed to be good OR evil; one or the other. Most of the smilies under that tab don't even make!?!?!?!? Some times less really is more, like if when you click "[more]" you get an image of an evil smiley beating a dead horse. Don't depictions of violence only degrade our morals? Why doesn't someone change the "smilie" pictures? What about "smilies" of Jesus healing people and performing miracles in place of the old ones? THE WORLD STILL NEEDS THOSE!!! WE STILL NEED MIRACLES!!! What we don't need is violence of any sort on this site. Nobody's perfect except for God and Jesus, so don't we need more pictures of God and Jesus around...especially since He was a gift to us and made the atonement possible and cured all of us of every ill we've ever had. By "all of us" I mean each and every single one of the population of the entirety of the mass of every thing and every being in existence in the whole of existence(s) not change it? I know that everyone sins and that my sins had something to do with those "smilies" being, I apologize for all the sins that I partook in which delegated my time to the wrong authority instead of putting my time into something productive on the computer. The more good, the better; THE MORE GOD, THE BETTER!!!