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  1. Hi to all wherever you may be I hope that everybody is well My name is Andrew, I'm 40 years old (or young) and I am from the UK. I have been a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day-Saints for now over 3 years. I was converted in to the church. Unfortunately only my sister and I saw the truth and joined. Now my sister became in active and as no intrusions of coming back either. I can not say that my sister was alone in this action. I to became inactive, however I have now come back. I do ponder on what should and could of been. Because I was away I missed on on something that is so special, my calling to show others around the world how they can come to God and to our Lord Jesus Christ and for them to be given the gift of the Holy Ghost. Sometimes I do wish that I could turn back time, however I can not change the past but I can influence and make a differecnce now and in the future. The plan may have been this all the time. Maybe I was not ready? What I do know now is that we are all missionaries in our own ways. We can all help in showing peole the righteous path and what our church stands for. We are the only church here on earth that is endorsed by God, Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. What better recommendation is that! I think what I'm trying to say is, it does not matter how old you are. We all have a responsibility and accountability, these are in deed the latter days and we should all prepare. We should live as instructed in the Gospels and all try to show others. I am sure everyone here as a good testimony and are willing to share it. I will leave you with my testimony that I know that I am part of a fully restored church here on earth. A church that was lost and found, Joseph Smith was chosen as the prophet to restore our lords church. He was given the truth and through that he was able to transcribe scriptures which brought us another account of Jesus Christ and this was also a holy book. This book was to known as The Book Of Mormon. This book is an integral part of our beliefs and are know it to be true! I know that President Monson is now the prophet that leads us here on earth and he is an agent of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I know the priesthood is true and that we have all got callings within the church. I know that we are more than just members of this church we are in fact bothers and sisters able to show love to our lord and to each other. I know that we need to follow the Gospels and not to just read them, we need to live them. I have given a true account of my self and that my my testimony is stronger than ever. I hope that all in our church has a testimony as powerful and as strong as mine. I say or write this in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen! Thank you for reading my introduction and I hope that you all share the love of our church, our brothers and sisters, our president and our love for God, Jesus Christ as I know that we are loved too.