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Everything posted by Maedros

  1. I think that the Watchers were not angels (the real Guardian Angels) but were mortal men who had advanced to a level of righteousness as to be angelic - men who had entered into all the holy covenants and were hence spiritually begotten "sons of god" - I think that these were men of high intellect and understanding who had probably enjoyed communion with real angels and learned from them the mysteries/sciences of the earth. They were of high spiritual endowment and were as such the Watchers - the servants of Heavenly Father among men who enjoyed the companionship of the Holy Ghost and communion with heavenly beings. The sons and daughters of men were mortal men and women who were not under oath and covenant and when these started to beget beautiful daughters - the Watchers began to lust after them and entered into a secret combination among themselves and married these women - by this act they broke the everlasting covenant of marriage and were thus excommunicated - probably because of a combination of their scientific acumen and high birth as Adamites their mixture with the daughters of men bred giants or giantlike humans - having denied and sinned against the Spirit of God these apostate Watchers became carnal and devilish and began to war against the Light and Truth thus becoming the "sons of perdition" who delighted in bloodshed - their children the Nephilim were naturally wicked because of their fathers. Thus we see that there is a logical explanation - except for satan and his horde - no other angels fell from heaven - the angels who ministered to adam and his posterity were those who had lived or would have still lived upon the earth and without physical bodies they could not beget life because the Saviour was the first fruits of the resurrection therefore no embodied beings would have communed with mankind at that time - the Lord destroyed the inhabitants of the earth with the flood because of the extreme wickedness of those righteous men (the Watchers) who had fallen - their example led everyone astray and drenched the land with blood and sin - hence the need for the flood (which is symbolic of a baptism for the remission of sin).
  2. I am such a man - I have done things that are too shameful to discuss even to strangers - but even though I live in a state of constant shame and fear and guilt but even for the "disgusting" in their state of disgust there is hope; I see the hand of Lord in my life, he comforts me, he answers my prayers, he blesses and preserves me still - though i have broken my wife's tender heart and destroyed her confidence I still have value and worth. We are still together - I entramped her {as she would say} by being untruthful from the time we married and moving her kilometres away from her family and friends before confessing so that even if she wanted to leave the scandal will be too great and it's not financially viable - even after I confessed 2 years ago I still repeated those actions within the 2 years. Drugs are involved and at first I thought i was motivated by them but I realized that I don't have a drug problem at all - I have a sex problem; if drugs and sex were the only problems it would still be better but I have also broken the laws of the land - I have fraudently applied for loans with the identity of a stranger and used the money i acquired to support my habit - I have a court case pending and may spend some time in prison. So Raymie there are men out there (even within the Church) that are dogs; wicked and disgusting and far worse than your husband, you are not alone - my wife and I are still together and we will continue to be together even if I'm convicted - it might sound presumptous for me to assume that but its true we have been through too much for too long to quit now - we have a child and she is young we can't give up now. I have the capacity to change, I may one day have the courage to return to Church activity and confess to the Stake President and become worthy and cleansed through repentance and we could become an eternal family because even though she is hurt and betrayed beyond measure she sees me as I may become and that gives me hope.
  3. Greetings to all from Africa