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Everything posted by ZachBz

  1. I don't know how to explain it too well, but it just felt like I was asleep, yet, I knew it was happening and couldn't really stop my thought process. Should I feel bad about what happened?
  2. Well, I've made alot of progress from my porn addiction. I haven't had problems for 4 months, though this showed up this morning: I woke up in the between stage of waking up with an erection while having a 'wet' dream. I was partialy awake, but i felt that I wasn't enough to stop myself. I understand that that is the natural way of getting rid of build up, though I don't know how to feel about it... Any help would be well appreicated.
  3. I'm inquiring to find out about how long someone can prosecute after an event happend that was possibly unlawful and the opposite side of the situation knew. Are the time periods different for each different circumstance?
  4. Well, between my last major question, I have another... Please read this first to understand the underside of the story: The girl that I had cared about in the above post is now someone I didn't expect her to be. She's been very active sexually lately with a couple of different people; varying in extent. She even sees and calls herself a whore... I know what I can do is very much so limited, but it hurts me just to think what she's becoming. I feel like she's smiling on the outside, yet crying on the inside. I'm no longer attracted to her in the way I was, yet I know she's one of God's children and I HATE to see her become this way and I love her to pieces. What can I do? What could my friend(s) that's close to her do? I just can't help but to think that there is something I do... it hurts to see her slowly losing hope inside herself.
  5. First, thank you all for posting. The feedback and ideas/solutions have helped me keep my mind open showing that there might be a better way or an add-on to my current method to help fight my problem and also keeps hope in me. Also: -I have had communication with my parents in the past, but it had almost been negative to my progress... My parents are 'do what ever you have to do to get it done' and are almost closed minded about the situation. Both my counselor and I agree it might be for the best to keep them less informed about the situation. -As for the temptation, it comes whenever... I work 8 hr every week day and every so often even on breaks from work, I get such a strong temptation...
  6. I've tried this in the past with a very close friend of mine that I've talked to many times about my problems and he has listened with an open mind and heart always; yet I feel like I had pushed enough on him already with my past problems. He is married, has kids, and works full time. I'm already being selfish enough with this addiction and I feel I'd be even more selfish doing so...
  7. Well, first of all, I'm going to have to thank you for taking the time to read this. I'm in a point in my life that I need advice yet again. I might as well give the whole story and nothing less to hopefully help more. For the longest time, ever since I was young, I've had a desire to serve an honorable full-time mission. My patriachical blessing, my parents, and other family/friends strongly support me doing so. It wasn't as much desired as it is now, after realizing that none of my other siblings will go. I've decided I'm not going to push to try serve a mission for my family or friends, but for me and the people that need the church and its power/direction in their lives. As for the advice: Since I was 14 or so, pornography has slowly slipped into my life. I was neive and not understanding that even looking at youtube could get me to the point of viewing porn weekly, though not being so controlling at a younger age. It has been a struggle to put things back on track. Later down the road, I had found a woman that I loved with all my heart. After kissing, necking, and more contact, we had sexual intercourse after many months. I couldn't stand having such dirt on me, and I made an appointment with the bishop the day after it had occured. I went through the bishop, and cleared everything up and dumped everything out and repented of what I had done. My girlfriend, being mormon also, didn't like me telling, thus, we are no longer dating or even talking for that matter. I had such hopeless feelings that the person had made my days seem hopefull is gone, which only pushed a depression that was lying dormant out. Pornography had been hard to get away from as a result. Now, as I have completely pushed any desire to even see my girlfriend again and 'moved on', I have found that I can't break the viewings of pornography. I have only been able to withstand a 1-2 weeks at a time before the temptation feels all-so overpowering. I pray daily; in the morning and in the evening; asking that this temptation might be taken from me and that I might be able to walk up-right. I also do daily scripture study hoping that as I try to do everything I know and believe to be right, hoping it would help, and it has, as my use of pornography was almost daily at a point and time. I seem to try daily at fortifying my walls, as Moroni did when Amalickiah had lost faith in church and took sides with the Lamanites and pushed them to have hate towards the Nephites enough to take arms against them; building up my weakest points, putting earth up as a wall so arrows and rocks could not hit me. I've been meeting with my bishop on a regular basis on how I'm doing. He says 3 months of being sober from the act shows control enough to be able to serve a mission. At the moment, I still have not been ordained to the office of a Elder, and see less hope from that. I also had been seeing a church counselor in the past. I feel so mad at myself each time I fall to tempation, yet I get back on the bandwagon and push again, hoping I will have more success. With all that has been said, what should I do? the time that I can start on my mission papers is coming up soon...