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Everything posted by kyro3

  1. kyro3


    yeah i am 17...she is mom is okay with her at my house for the times that is happening and her mom allows it aswell.
  2. kyro3


    We don't have sex though, we sleep in 2 different rooms... (we are both still virgins)...thats why I said we still have goals ambitions and dreams its just cause the times that have happen we live together.
  3. kyro3


    I have been investigating the church for over 5 months. I found the church through my girlfriend and really enjoyed it since then...As I progress with the missionaries I get more excited see the blessings in front of my eyes. It turns out I was suppose to be baptized this Sunday...but now I can't cause under certain circumstances my girlfriend lives with me..due to the law of Chasity. I don't understand whats wrong I respect myself as much as she does we both of dreams ambitions and goals we want to achieve. Why does this have to stop me from getting baptized where in the bible does it actually say we can't live together is the definition of Chasity mean being chaste or pure.