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  1. I'm new to the site, and stumbled upon it while trying to search for help being a single LDS father. I keep coming across advice and counsel for single mothers, but there just doesn't seem to be much for a single LDS father. To give a little bit of my background, I am recently divorced, and was separated for about 9 months before that. My ex lost her membership, and is pretty hostile toward the church. She did allow our son to be baptized a few weeks ago, but I do know that she teaches things contrary to what I have been teaching my kids their entire lives. I'm frustrated and angry that she would do this. I've had plenty of discussions, and thus far have been able to take my son and 3 daughters to church with me every Sunday. First, how can I go about teaching them gospel principles without flat out telling them their mother is wrong. I don't want to paint a bad picture of her, because I do want them to love their mom and have a great relationship with her. But I also don't want to continuously lie for for her sake. Second, is there any online resources, or other resources in general, for single LDS fathers? Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!