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Everything posted by honestjon

  1. Hi-I'm an LDS cartoonist. My comics appear in Mormon Times, New Era, Sunstone to name a few. Here's a link to my site: HONEST JON Just trying to spread the word. Best, Honest Jon
  2. Below is the latest toon. FYI: Blog name has been changed to HONEST JON Please spread the word.. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_YEOhCiQ40e0/TSWoxBl6n4I/AAAAAAAAAZ8/5UVupjuK0Z4/s1600/Smallest%2Bviolin.jpg
  3. Thanks-support appreciated...Here's another fun one posted to my blog.. POD-i-YUM: Be reverent
  4. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_YEOhCiQ40e0/TR84PYTSq3I/AAAAAAAAAZM/5VpNhlewyag/s1600/raised%2Bthe%2Bbar.jpg
  5. Thanks-Subscribe and pass it on...
  6. Hi, I am Jon Clark (a.ka. Honest Jon) an LDS cartoonist published in the New Era, Meridian Magazine (starting next week), and other LDS-ish outlets. I am hoping to spread the word about my cartoons by joining this site though I'm not a creature of blogging or chatting. So I guess I'll do what I do best and leave you with a cartoon...See more @ HONEST JON Thanks!! Jon