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Everything posted by amber83

  1. I know that I am no where near "worthy" to go, but I don't want to go through all the effort of changing and repenting if its all a sham. There is no sense in full fellowship if it isn't all true...and I am really having a hard time after reading what I have about the temple....even if its just contextually inaccurate...that isn't the church I was raised in.
  2. I have been in a bit of a rough spot lately and have been trying to decide whats important to me and what is not. I got tired of being told I ought to strive for the temple and not every being told what the temple actually is or what you do, so I looked it up and read about it. Maybe not the best idea, but I'm tired of trying to change my life to match the standards of something I'm not even allowed to know about. Now, after reading so much about the temple...I don't think I want to go anymore. This goal has been drilled into my head since before I could even talk and I'm to the point now where I have no idea whats true and whats just been passed down. I am sitting here sobbing and am terribly upset. Not sure what I hope to get out of this thread...but its not like I can call up my friends, or talk to my mother, or anyone else in the church because heaven forbid you have any doubts.
  3. swampgeek~ Thank you so much, that was very helpful. I've been afraid to have those hard conversations but we need to start having them.
  4. It definately is my fault...even my bishop agrees with that. But I do love him and want to be with him, so I wouldn't marry him just to "fix" him. I know that he may never come back to the church and that I may not be able to "fix" what I've done.
  5. Would she be punished though for choosing to marry someone that was already inactive knowing that there was a chance that he would never return?
  6. We both absolutely believe in choice so with children they would have the choice to go on a mission, or get married in the temple. He is perfectly fine with teaching the gospel to the children and then allowing them to choose if it is true or not, which I think is what needs to be done anyway. I am not a big fan of teaching children that if they don't go on a mission they are a failure in life. We've already discussed these things and have decided that the children can be blessed as infants, and can choose to be baptized when they are the appropriate age, and that neither of us will force them into anything (either in, or out of the church).
  7. Hello, I am new to this site and have just been reading through threads for several months, and decided to ask for some advice. I have been in a relationship for almost 5 years with an absolutely amazing man. I can't even begin to describe how much I care for him. We are both about to finish grad-school and are starting to plan the "next step" (marriage). He treats me wonderfully, I know he loves me and respects me, he is smart, kind, only concern is the church. When I met him he was a new member in the church, and a year later he was inactive. Now he is saying that he doesn't know if its true...he isn't ruling it out entirely, but he is also investigating other churches as well. I know he had a testimony and knew it was true, and I know what ruined that. We started doing things we shouldn't have, and it killed everything for him. Now I am trying to get back into church (slow progress, but worth it) and I'm not sure if he will. He is absolutely 100% respectful of my desires to be worthy again and doesn't push me at all or question me or look down on me. I know that he would continue to be supportive and do all that he can to make me happy. My question any of you have advice on a mixed-faith marriage? Can it work? I just really have a hard time believing that if a woman goes through life as a faithful and loving wife, doing everything she can to be righteous and worthy, that the Lord will punish her for standing by a man that couldn't quite believe. There is always the hope that he would become active in the church later, but if not I honestly think that I could live with it. Any advice?