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Posts posted by dauser

  1. Last conference... President Eyring.. page 22 of May Ensign 2011


    "His way of helping has been at times called living the law of consecration. In another period His way was call the United Order. in our time it is called the Church Welfare Program

    The names and the details are changed to fit the needs and conditions of people"

    Seventy five years ago a system devoted to the spiritual and temporal salvation of manikind rose from humble beginnings...Bishop Burton p.81

    We celebrate 75 yearsof the church welfare program..Sister Allred p.84

  2. It testifies of Christ like no other and it exposes the enemies of Christ like no other book.

    You do not see The Great And Abominable Church Of The Devil in any graphic detail at all the Holy Bible. Those plain and precious things were taken out... but in the Book Of Mormon!

    It is the only primary recource, authoritive book on Satan... in the whole world...That is why it is so hated!

    No books on Satan and his church except the BofM.

    Our minds are darkened for treating that book so lightly and the condemnation rests on our children..

    The whole christian world has the Bible and their minds are still darkened and their children are also under condemnation.

    Understanding The Orders Of Nehor and Amulon...understanding the church of the devil lifts the condemnation... and exposing secret combinations that lust for power and gain helps us... not to be deceived nor participate in Satan's gospel practices. It combats falshoods that surround us...

    The church of the devil is as real as the true church. It has power over the kings and presidents of the Earth, it is secret and it is combined with a lot of other evil that is so embraced by members of the true church who do not understand the Book Of Mormon.

    The Book Of Mormon is a sift that divides The Church. Those whose roots do not go deep into the book... do not understand the world nor what is going on in it.... They do not understand the cause of the pain, the suiffering, the wickedness, the evil, the poverty, the ignorance, that affects everyone on the planet.

    A white and dark tread goes through the Book, The sequences are held together with... the black thread... follow not only the good guys but... study the bad guys, their teachings, their organizaitons and what they have in common.. then look around and APPLY the Book Of Mormon to your life and lift that wicked curse from your mind. It is a 2 stone Urim and the Thummim... a two spindled ball or director of curious workmanship... use both spindles... and expect the words to change according to your heed and diligence.

    (Old Testament | Leviticus 8:8)

    54 And your minds in times past have been darkened because of unbelief, and because you have treated lightly the things you have received

    55 Which vanity and unbelief have brought the whole church under condemnation.

    56 And this condemnation resteth upon the children of Zion, even all.

    57 And they shall remain under this condemnation until they repent and remember the new covenant, even the Book of Mormon

    (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 84:54 - 57)

  3. My mother was dominant.

    My wife is dominant.

    How do we break false traditions handed down from our parents?

    Perhaps if more than one girl agreeing to share a good and powerful man was not a criminal offense... if matrimonial freedom was legal...if women were not forbidden by law from sharing a preferred mate... If Women were not denied their agency and freedom of choice... of a preferred man... to be married to a preferred good and powerful man... to establish a righteious family.

    If women would unite and storm the halls of congress and demand change!

    Women would not be as compelled to marry and stay with spineless powerless dweebs.

    and spineless powerless dweebs would less likely have eternal increase to muddy the waters and generations with their weak tendencies.

  4. The Institute For Authority Research (Dean Gotcher) talks a lot about the brainwashing techniques uses by the government schools and the controlled media to demasculinize men and defeminize women.

    Moving society and families from a patriarchael paradigm to a matriarchael paradigm requires a lot of marxist facilitators in high and influencial places.

    If a man's directives (or commandments) to his wife are not encouraged by her nor welcomed by her, nor willingly embraced nor carried out in love by her...

    If she challanges him , opposes, argues with, questions, contests him (especially in front of the kids) he soon ceases to give directives... and ceases to cherish her.

    He wants respect and she wants love... and Praxis kills both... then the family.

    Dad's power in the home shrinks and mom's power increase and their children take that and start families and have the same power struggles and she will usually win... for the law is on her side..

    Women do not want another service project...they want a prince charming who is already fixed ...

    Their are so few POWERFUL MEN.. because their women do not sustain them.. Really sustain them.... mothers, grandmothers, sisters and wives.

    What does sustained mean?

    Big boys need to be raised and praised, propped up, made to look good, made to look smart, to be forgiven, loved, obeyed and women are way too quick to find fault, find weakness, compare, judge and tear down her guy with her smart and quick combacks .

    A woman can make or break her man... a great presider has even greater sustainers.

  5. Pres. Eyring in last conference mentioned the 75th year anniversary of Church Welfare... that the Law Of Consecration, The United Order and Church Welfare are the same.

    The Law Of Consecration is in place... and just in time... as the debt based ponzi economies of the world melt down.