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athycai's Achievements

  1. the crowd will take care of itself - they always do. just a potluck - so easy to start with. you could maybe have one game. a get to know you or pictionary or something like that. so easy. no worries. think of them as family. (unless your family stresses you out) ;o)
  2. i believe in visions. but i think they are quite rare and come from places of deep longing and with deep sincere questions that only can be answered with direct revelation. i don't think you will see any of them posted here. i believe in dreams too - that were so instructive - not sure of the origin (head or spirit) but they have taught me some powerful stuff - . A sort of fun one (well fun now, traumatic at the time) happened while i was writing an intro to a speech on dream interpretation research - i was having so much trouble and voila! - my son had a nightmare where came running from his room yelling fire - and crying about losing his phone number in the piano and weeping over the fact that 'we were going to grow up just like NY'. and just like that, my intro was written, got an A. ;o) it was easy to interpret, believe it or not. i was a vocal performance major at the time, spent most of my time at the piano (so i was the piano) and the fire - (which was fire out of control) showed his loss of control - as did the phone number in the piano. I had been making the poor guy (he was about 10 yrs old) stay in the house because he was quite sick, and he loved to play out so much - he was basically going stir crazy. i asked if he remembered dreaming anything and he said the only thing he remembered was seeing parts of the movie 'soylent green' - the scenes where the the streets are so crowded you can't move. that answered that question. claustrophobic he was. (insert my guilt here) i let him play outside the next day as much as he wanted, sick or not. ;o) dreams can be useful. not sure about the sharing thing - haven't had that experience.
  3. been perusing here this morning. fun site. :)