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  1. Dear LSDJewess, I have just read all your responses and I am very impressed. You have tremendously eased my mind. I understand everything you have said and I will definitely take it to heart. I especially agree on what you have said about not letting it affect you. And with your explanation, I can finally see why. Thank you very much, I am honestly grateful someone was able to provide such an understanding and was able to connect with me on my level of what I was seeing. Also, thank you for giving me some kind of explanation as to why labeling exist, that was helpful as well. I'm glad I was able to connect with someone because most people do seem to have a hard time grasping the truth. I would sometimes attempt to explain to my family members about some of the blatant messages that we pick up subconsciously but they just seem to get angry or ignore me. They have complete trust in the current political system and it seems like there is nothing I can do to change that. And sometimes, that topic would drive a wedge between the relationship. I do believe that everything happens for a reason and as you've put it, I guess we need to accept the changes in our world for what it is. It really makes sense. Things are the way things are for a reason. There was a time in my life when I was very depressed and I lost all motivation to free myself from that dark place. Around that time, I learned about the world and how corrupt it was. That made my depression even worse. I became angry because I grew up having complete trust that the government and the media was always doing the right thing, and when I begin to see the truth, I felt like I had been lied to all my life, even religion. I was overwhelmed with information and I guess I was too busy worrying about other things instead of myself. Actually, I was contacted by the Missionaries about three months ago. They wrote me a letter saying they wanted to get to know me and I declined by not even writing them back. I just disregarded the letter and threw it away. When I look back, I see that as some kind of sign that maybe God does care about me and that he is giving me a chance to get back on the right path. Anyways thanks a lot, I mean it.
  2. Hi, just signed up to ask questions that's been really troubling my mind for quite a long time now. I want to get some advice or thoughts specifically from a current member of the LDS church who considers themselves spiritually in tune with the Holy Ghost. I want to know what your take on this is. About myself, I am a mormon yes, I've been a mormon my whole life, but I have fallen out of the church due to my lack of testimony and the difference in views from my parents. I have received the blessings while I was still going to church, like the baptism, the gift of the holy ghost, and the aaronic priesthood. Even though I have received those blessings growing up, I never felt anything significant about it - even as I'm typing this post, I still have trouble understanding the value of it all and why it's even important in my life. When I fell out of the church I begin to smoke marijuana, which led me to reflect on life, the wonders of life, existence of God, questioning why things are the way they are, why society is set up like how it is currently set up today, and etc., ... just so much questions that I felt need to be answered for myself to be satisfied. During this part of my life, I begin to see - literally my eyes were opened to things I never even noticed or cared about - the evil roots that are currently embedded into our society today. Things like: -The new world order and the truth about U.N. -The bilderberg group and the bohemian grove -The propaganda which the controlled media puts out on television and music -The evils and truth behind Disney films affecting children -The clothes we are designed to wear in society to 'fit in' -The satanic symbolism that people simply fail to see -The labels society creates for everything and anything to put others down negatively I could pretty much go on and on. Now don't get me wrong, yes I am a conspiracy theorist if that's what you want to call me. There you go. Another label. What I mean by labeling, is that there is a label for just about everything. Whether you are a democrat, republican, gay, etc., etc., there's always some kind of label people call each other to describe one another, to put each other in a specific category which in the end, all comes down to negativity. Hmm, let's think about another one - Tea Partier. Another label that was recently created by the media. I just don't get it. I just want the truth and I think I have always been searching for some kind of reasurrance all my life. So, I would ask myself, why does our Heavenly Father allow these things to happen? If God even exists why does he allow this? And I came up with my own reason for this. I told myself for every righteousness, there must be wickedness. For something good to exist there must be evil, for happiness to exist there must be sorrow. Anyways, at this point I begin to believe in the nature of Karma and balance the world must have in order to continually exist. Like mathematics, every equation is balanced with every flaw functioning together harmoniously so that everything comes out perfectly. So I didn't really believe in any religion but more about the beauties of Karma. Months ago, I begin to research Comet Elenin and the relationships between that and the many earthquakes that we've been getting recently all over the world. Now I'm not going to go into any details about this Comet Elenin because I think it's pretty much pointless here. I'm not here to preach information, so you can research it yourself on your free time if you are interested. So anyways, one thing led to another, and I happened to read the chapters in Revelations. And it hit me. I was awed by the truth of it all. This was honestly the first time I actually read the bible and I was dumbfounded by how clear the messages were layed out for us to read and ponder. I was shocked that I was only reading it just now when I had the chance to read it before. It's all there. The kingdom controlled by satan which is the coming new world order, the great star falling from the sky when the angel blows the trumpet ... I mean it's all happening and it all made sense. I prayed about it for the first time in a long time, and afterwards I felt serenity and peace at that moment. I just felt comforted somehow, unexplainably. I also was saddened by the people who are so blinded by the worldly objects and distracted by false information who all has the potential to become righteous but choose no to or never had the chance. I felt like I kind of belonged to this part of the group because I have shunned away from the church. I still don't see myself attending LDS church in the future, but with the new faith that I have gained, I feel like I have been given a stronger guideline to life. What I want to know is how come the LDS prophet and the church leaders do not talk about the current situation of the society today? How come they do not talk about these things specifically but rather talk about being righteous, keeping the commandments? Wouldn't it be more effective to point out these things to the people? The youth today are living in a time where they are being tested more than ever than any other era, and may god bless them all.