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Posts posted by UfoTofu

  1. The information and insights provided here have been thought provoking and quite helpful. There's so much good stuff I couldn't even begin to respond to it all. While I certainly disagree with his reinstatement, I have a much better understanding of the thought process behind it.

    I must note that the vast majority of the responses to my question have been logical, dispassionate and respectful and I appreciate that. Unfortunately, some have taken it upon themselves to respond to my question with inaccurate assumptions and unnecessary harshness. I have to wonder why Church members are allowed to address non members in this fashion.

    And to he who said my opinion doesn't matter to anyone but myself. I agree that on this site, particularly since I'm a non member who dared to bring up a sensitive subject, your assertation is quite likely true. However, in reality, I hold a position in which I can influence quite a few people over the long term. Thus, you should be more careful in the way you address people.

  2. I appreciate all your responses.

    Loudmouth M- Thanks for the link. I've seen it before, but since I crave more detail, I am currently reading the MMM by Juanita Brooks.

    I honestly don't think I'm arguing in the least; I'd call this discussion. All my life I have been taught to question, analyze, and critically evaluate. Thus, when I came across rebaptism of Lee, I knew I needed more answers. Of course, I disapprove of the rebaptism or any other seemingly positive sanction of a mass murderer. From this site I hope to glean the opinions of members regarding this action.

    Guy- I may not agree with the idea of the 'bunker' mentality, but it helps to clarify things for me a bit better.

    Judo, mystic, black- I appreciate your rational responses!

    Mystic- I see your point. I believe the more tempered responses are far more effective in addressing non members. Unfortunately, not everyone agrees with me. I would think that members of a group that has been subject to so many false assumptions would not be so quick to judge others.

    Vort- Levrafsgirl summed it up quite nicely! You have been effectively told. :)

  3. Matthew: Your question regarding my curiosity requires a little bit of background information.

    I was listening to a radio call in show a where Christain listener was explaining at length why under any circumstances he would not want a Mormon president. He did a lousy job making his case, but I was curious as to why some people get their panties in such a twist when it comes to Mormonism, so I did a little research. I didn't find anything glaring until I came to the Mountain Meadows Massacre. I asked some of my Mormon friends about this and here's a summary of the responses:

    "What's Mountain Meadows?" "Who's John D. Lee?" "That didn't happen, Mormons wouldn't do that"

    "the only people who bring that up are anti Mormons"

    Further, I spoke to several missionaries, and here's the summary of their responses:

    "I don't know why Lee was reinstated" "Lee was never reinstated" "I fully support his reinstatement"

    I want more opinions on this matter, so here I am.

    Guy I appreciated you even handed candor and response, and the fact that you can disagree with me without being disagreeable. I am glad to have read that quick piece regarding the Mormons who did feel that those responsible for the brutal slaying of those unarmed men, women and children should be held accoutable. Believe it or not, this is actually what I want to hear more of from Mormons . I really didn't become a critic UNTIL I read of this incident and the Church's and members subsequent reaction. (or lack thereof)

    SuperChris: That bit about Godwins Law made me laugh heartily!

    levrafsgirl Based on some of the terms you used, may I ask if you are a current or past member?

    Vort I saved the best for last! Haha. I found it quite vexing that you'd refer to Lee as Brother. How would you feel if a Muslim called Osama, "brother Bin Laden"? Or if a catholic refered to Timothy McVeigh as "brother McVeigh"?

    How is it that a mass murderer like Lee can be reinstated, but an academic like D. Michael Quinn remains excommunicated? Surely you must be able to see why a non member may be put off by such actions. Furthermore, you can continue your defensive and dismissive tone toward me, but it's not helping your case.

  4. Thanks, Guy, for responding sans snippiness or preconceived notions about me.

    These harsh feelings were no doubt linked to the atrocity he implemented on 9-11.

    The fact that his excommunication can be overturned leaves me baffled. Reinstating a man like this leads me to believe that leaders in the Church aren't altogether against the order he gave on September the 11th.

    What are your feelings? Should he have been reinstated? What sort of standing does this man REALLY have in the Church?