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  1. For an informative article about the 1905 construction of the monument at this location in connection with Sunday's priesthood lesson on this subject, see: "On December 23, 1905, over fifty members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) gathered to dedicate a monument to their church’s founder, Joseph Smith, near the site of his birth on a hill in the White River Valley. During the previous six months, the monument’s designer and project managers had marshaled the vast resources of Vermont’s granite industry to quarry and polish half a dozen granite blocks and transport them by rail and horse power; they surmounted all odds by shoring up sagging bridges, crossing frozen mud holes, and beating winter storms to erect a fifty-foot, one-hundred-ton monument considered to be the largest of its kind in the world. Since 1905, Vermont histories and travel literature, when they have acknowledged the monument’s presence, have generally referred to it as a remarkable engineering feat representative of the state’s prized granite industry." It is well researched and written. It tells the story of a cultural conflict between two villages (Royalton and South Royalton) that I had no previous knowledge of. Also, the story of the impact of the then huge sum of $15,000 and jobs provided to families in the area.
  2. If they were shipping tin back to the homeland it would be impossible for them to be Jaredites! Same for the "Sunset Land." There appears to be commerce with the homeland for both of these areas!
  3. Scientists tell us people with as large a brain case as ours has been around for at least 35,000 years, and yet denied them the ability to "sail the seven seas" until 1492 in spite of the evidence of the people living on the islands of the seas. Now we have evidence of at least two Sumerian affiliated settlements ( the Aymara of Bolivia and the Olmec of Southern Mexico) in South and Central America dating back to 2,000BC! World Mysteries - Strange Artifacts, Fuente Magna - Rosetta Stone of Americas "Discussion Bernardo's discovery of the Pokotia monument supports the research of the Verrills that the Sumerians came to South America in search of metals. A.H Verrill and R. Verrill, Americas ancient civilizations (New York: Putnam, 1953), and J. Bailey Sailing to Paradise, (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994) maintain that the area around Lake Titicaca may have been called Lake Manu, by the Sumerians. According to the Verrills and Bailey the Sumerians came to this area in search of tin. They support this view by a discussion of the Sumerian traditions, that Sumerians set sail to the land west of the Mediterranean that they called the "Tin land of the West" or "Sunset Land". It is interesting to note that a major center in this area is Potosi. Bailey suggest that Potosi may relate to the Sumerian term Patesi the Sumerian term for 'priest king'."
  4. What is your opinion of the "Fuente Magna" discovered on the shore of Lake Titicaca? World Mysteries - Strange Artifacts, Fuente Magna - Rosetta Stone of Americas