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    dcelj got a reaction from Sunday21 in temple marriage over or keep trying?   
    I am not sure if your response was to me or to the Original Poster. I thought I would respond with my answers in the hope that maybe my answers would be helpful to him.
    In my case, my wife has completely "painted the church black." So my children are not currently participating in any church activities except for when I do get them to go to church with me. Since my wife has not moved out yet, it is difficult to do anything like Scripture Study since she tends to be disruptive to such things. Unless her treatment of the kids reaches the level of abuse, how she treats the children is currently and will always be out of my control. I am focused on making my time with the children as positive and healthy as possible.
    On a good note, since the divorce proceedings started in September things have settled down and she is treating the kids better. High stress has always been a trigger for my wife to start yelling. Now that stress is at a relatively lower level she is nicer to them than she used to be. I have communicated to both my wife and children that once we begin a formal parenting plan where I have the kids every other weekend it is my expectation that the children go to church. In short, I can only control myself and my actions and I am focused on doing so!
    In my situation, full custody of the kids is not really an option at this point for me since her mental illness is at a high functioning state. This may change in the future and is something I am prepared to take action on if needed. The counsel I have received from my lawyer is that it would be very difficult to convince a judge that a person I trusted as a Stay at home Mom for 13 years is now all of a sudden unfit for even partial custody.
    In my case, I have not been to the temple since I am not temple worthy due to tithing. As my marriage fell apart so did our finances! I have started paying tithing and look forward to the day when I can go back to the temple in the next couple of months. With that said, I have done a lot of praying for guidance during the last year and I am at peace with it. As someone at Church told me on Sunday, that a month ago he noticed something different about me. That coincides with the lifting of the fog of depression as I came to terms with this whole thing. For something that I thought would be the lowest point in my life has turned out to be one of the highest points of my life in a spiritual manner. Heavenly Father has truly blessed me with peace and I also know that this is for the best in my situation as well! I do not know what his plan for me is, I wish he would share it with me, but if he did then there would be no purpose for faith.
    I am at the same place as you currently. I am no longer sad! Thank you for sharing this! A few weeks back I asked my counselor if there was something wrong with me because I thought I should still be feeling down and out not feeling as if everything was ok. Through prayer the Lord has lifted me up and through him I have hope in the future. I have told my wife, that I have no anger toward her and that my hope for her is that at some point she finds peace, happiness, and healing from the mental and emotional wounds that were inflicted upon her during her childhood. Unfortunately, I believe that healing can only come from the Savior and she is currently turning away from him.