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  1. Thank you both MasterOrator and Anatess. I appreciate that. I will continue to be his friend. I will support him. Anatess, I do like how you said "this is his journey and you can't walk that path for him". I agree. MasterOrator, it possibly could be something that will resolve itself, as I think some trials have happened just recently that have tested his faith. So for now, I will do the basics. Love, respect, be there! Thank you. I appreciate it.
  2. Hello, I thought I'd post on these forums, as it is nice to know that we all have support from each other. Several months back, as I was called as a Gospel Doctrine teacher, a certain individual showed up in my class and I had this feeling that I should eventually talk to this person. I felt like I should be a friend. Fast forward to today, we are now best friends. But something happened. When I met him, he was strong in the church, attended nearly every week. But as the months progressed, I saw his attendance fall. Eventually he started missing church for months at a time. I'd always tell him I missed him being in my class, and that perhaps he'd be able to come the next week. I'd never push him, or tell him what to do. I then noticed the kindness and that spectacular shining light started to change within him. I believe he has stopped reading the scriptures, and at this point in time, he isn't that friend that I once knew. Yet, I still treat him with the same kindness, and an amazing friendship. However, I don't know what to do other than tell him that I care for him, and will support him. He has recently started reading anti-religion books, listening to religious debates, and videos about atheism. He is now reading books with these titles, "God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything", "The God Delusion", and a few others. Because I care for him, I have great concern. It's heart breaking to see this happen. I have tried to talk to him about it. At one time, I didn't even really know what to say, so I asked him to promise me that he wouldn't give up the church. His response was that, that wasn't a promise someone could keep, but that he still thought the church was the best way to live. He joined the church nearly 5 years ago, so he doesn't have a strong background in the church. I do know that people who go through this should be loved, respected, and that you should be their friend. Which is exactly what I am doing. We have another friend in common who is arguing with him, and in my opinion, making things worse. I know besides prayer, fasting, even putting the name in the temple... it is ultimately up to him how he lives. I respect that. But that doesn't stop the fact that I worry about him, or the fact that I feel responsible because I am his friend and don't know how to help. Have any of you gone through this? Or have suggestions?