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Everything posted by clumsy23

  1. My boyfriend left for his mission to Africa as well and has been at the MTC for a month now. We both know that although there is no guarantee in it working out when he finishes, it's nice to know that I am helping him in some way by supporting him in this huge part of his life. One of the biggest things that I like to keep in mind is that the relationship is between the two of you, not 2+ 584570345 other people who might tell you how to handle your relationship-not that I'm saying that seeking advice is a horrible idea, because then we wouldn't be in this forum! But, ultimately, it's up to the two of you. I've known my boyfriend since I was five yrs old and have been steady for a little over 2 yrs now, but even still, I know there's a 50/50 chance of it not turning into a "happily ever after"-and I'm ok with that. Trust in the Lord that things will turn out as they should be, and that everything happens for a reason.