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Everything posted by Zombocom

  1. I'm in Utah where I think they only give power to wed to religious and spiritual leaders and those employed by the State for judicial purposes. I could be wrong, but all this red tape could be another reason why it's discouraged
  2. Isn't it kind of saying though that a church denomination that you personally believe has no Religious Authority can be dismissed in spiritual matters if your ordination is for purely Professional Authority? For example, joining the Salvation Army for humanitarian purposes as opposed to anything spiritual?
  3. Dual-Membership, Dual-Priesthood | Mormon Matters Also has a lot of good comments too. I think it's discouraged so that no one confuses the authority to marry as one given from God as opposed to by the state. If a mormon marries you and they have true priesthood authority, etc. I can understand "discourages" but don't see "prohibits"
  4. http://www.lds.net/forums/lds-gospel-discussion/29964-can-regular-priesthood-holder-perform-marriages.html Has a lot of answers, but I still don't know what I can do
  5. Utah State Courts: Who May Solemnize a Marriage A minister, rabbi, priest, mayor, judge, county clerk, Native American spiritual adviser, the Governor, mayors, court commissioners and judges, as well as particular members of the legislature may perform wedding ceremonies. Two witnesses over 18 must also be present at the wedding ceremony. The person who solemnizes the marriage must sign a certificate of marriage and then files the certificate and the marriage license with the county clerk who issued the license. Well, I AM a priest in the church already- does anyone have the next steps?
  6. Or at least I plan to. How do I go about doing this? Brief background- my friends are not LDS, nor are they very religious but they see me as the only person they know who does believe in God. They've asked me to perform their marriage and I hear it's very simple to get reverend or minister status. In fact, there are lots of how-to guides online on how to become someone official who can officiate. So my research- at LDS weddings that are non-temple weddings, but still ceremonies, the bishop or higher authority can officiate and has legal authority to wed people. Now my question- I'm not a bishop so I can't currently marry anyone with any legal power. The purpose of LDS church weddings is to inspire people to prepare to eventually be sealed in the temple but this is something my friends can't do while not being members so I don't think I need to be a bishop. I don't believe becoming a registered minister of another non-denominational christian church for the sake of legal binding power an act of apostasy, but it's a confusing situation I'd like to hear second opinions about. Is anyone on this board LDS and a reverend or minister?
  7. Don't get me wrong, my post sounds casual because that's how I am. We both know that sex is something that could ruin our relationship and is not something we want to deal with repercussions of, but that's kind of the point of my wanting to return to the temple; wanting a bit more spiritual strength and support
  8. Hey guys! I'm trying to set up an appointment with my bishop, and have been for quite some time, but things get really busy in singles wards and I've never even met my bishop. We just changed around a few weeks ago. Stuff gets crazy, etc. So here's my dilemma and why I'm posting: I'm dating a non-member girl who really wants to help me return to the temple. She's great, but the church just isn't for her and I'm cool with that cause I'm not really ready to get married. We make out pretty heavily and there's sometimes petting and groping and recently it's been partially without clothes. A lot of this stuff feels pretty natural to me and goes along with how I dated non-member chicks pre-mission, but it's pretty much all up to me. If I told her we should back off, she'd say "sounds good" and be right there backing me up because she's way supportive, but the problem is I don't really want to. I mean, I want to enough that I'm planning on talking to the bishop about it so I can prepare to take the sacrament and get back to the temple (haven't been in 8 months or so) but It's hard to be the one saying we should back off when we both just want to be closer. Think I'll get put on some kind of probation? or is that only if we've had sex? (We haven't and she's cool with that) Also, how likely is he going to tell me to sack my girl and find a better one who is LDS? (I don't think he will)