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Everything posted by autumnleaves

  1. I had more questions that I wanted to ask after this one, but I don't really want to anymore. The responses I've gotten have been largely curt and cold. I don't expect anyone to empathize, but I did expect some compassion. My mistake. In other words, in response to your curiosity about this being the one question that I would ask about my transgression, this is just the first question in a series that I wanted others' insight on. You're correct about the meaning of the thread title.
  2. I appreciate everyone's responses and a few peoples' compassion. I am aware of what I've done. It has not affected my intelligence, only my spirit. Thank you all for responding.
  3. No, it's a post in an advice forum. It seems as though I'm getting responses that have little to do with the question I posed, so I clarified.
  4. I don't want to marry him. I used the word premarital in the sense that I had sex before I was married, not in the sense that I expect to marry him. It seems as though I'm being told that it really doesn't matter whether or not it's classified as fornication or adultery, but I disagree. The question wasn't if there is a difference or whether or not it makes a difference, but which I have committed.
  5. Hello everyone, I'm new to the forums. I'm a 22 year-old, single woman, attending college in the Midwest. My question is this: I have had premarital sex with a nonmember who is in an unhappy marriage in which his wife has been unfaithful. Have I committed adultery or fornication? Autumnleaves