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Everything posted by lmh3

  1. I have told my husband about this dilemma and he, not wanting to be the one stopping me from getting my recommend, said "It's not your fault I haven't payed it, and you don't have a job so you're good." I think he's just trying to not let me feel guilty about it. But I told him I do feel partly responsible, so we have plans to sit down this evening and work out the numbers. I think I answered my own question when I wrote the post, and that's that I'm not a full tithe payer. After all, we do share finances in every other respect so why would it be "our" money except when it comes to tithing. I should've taken more responsibility for it. We'll still explain it to the bishop, as he was hoping we'd make it to a new member trip to the temple on Friday. I think it's weird that he encouraged us to go, but I guess he doesn't keep a list of who's paying and who's not on the top of his head. Anyway, thanks for your replies :)
  2. I'm a new member and am looking to get my limited use temple recommend to do baptisms at the temple. One thing is stopping me from setting up the interview with my bishop though and I'd like your input. I'm a stay at home mom with no income of my own. My husband supports me entirely, but since he has become active again in the church he has not yet resumed paying tithing. So when I am asked if I'm a full tithe payer, I'm not sure if it's a yes because technically I have none of my own income, or not. I realize if we really looked at my husband's money as "his" then perhaps I wouldn't have any guilt about it. But the truth is that I do feel partially responsible for the tithing not being paid because I know if I had sat down to figure out the numbers (his income is a bit complicated with mileage reimbursements, etc) and made the push then it would've been done, yet for some reason I didn't and just assumed he'd take care of it. The missionaries did mention that the interview is similar to a baptismal interview, and that made me wonder if there's a difference between interview questions for different recommends, since I know the regular recommend interview includes things not in a baptismal interview. The limited-use recommend would have a tithing question though, yes? Anyway, just not sure how I should answer that question. Are there any other stay at home spouses here? When you answer the tithing question do you consider whether or not it's been paid from your spouse or do you feel comfortable saying yes because really you have no income so you're not responsible for it? Sorry for the long post, I'm just feeling rather conflicted! Yes I've prayed about it but I'm still stuck.
  3. lmh3


    Hello! I'm a 25 year old recently baptized new member of the church. Looking forward to gaining advice and insight here when needed. While my husband is a born-and-raised member and I've made a few great friends in our ward, sometimes I have some questions I'd rather ask anonymously, so I think this is a great place.