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Posts posted by Wordnerd

  1. My colicky little one seemed more comfortable if I held her belly along my arm, so she was face down, and then I rocked her for hours until it passed. Some people try simethicone drops, or if nursing cut out various foods, I didn't really have any luck with any of that, I just rested when I could and organized dinner early because she would scream from about 4 till 6 or 7 every day. Even when she outgrew it, she was always cranky at that time of the day, she still is usually cranky and she's 8 now!

  2. even in a den of libertines such as Canada.

    Please tell me that was hyperbole. Canada is as diverse in opinions and morals as the US. However we have a strong centralized government giving the PC crowd only one target to have to take over. The federal government legalized same sex marriage, leaving the provincial governments little choice in the matter. (Alberta was going to attempt a legal challenge but found it too precarious a position). Be thankful that your government is structured differently because your forefathers fought to make you citizens of your country, rather than subjects of the crown, or you would probably be kowtowing to the PC crowd like we are. Its only a matter of time for the US as well, unless the trend is reversed. Obviously my feelings are clear, I don't agree with same sex marriage or with how it has been shoved down our throats here. While I love my country and have no desire to leave, I recognize that we are legally and actually less free than US citizens, due to the structure of our government and our constitution. So please don't judge our collective morals based on what our government does, and I won't judge yours based on your president's opinions:)

  3. It's really important that parents teach their kids how to work, they won't succeed at anything unless they are willing to work hard. If we don't teach them, we are setting them up for a life of failure. Kids are being babied through school, many boards have no zero policies, meaning that kids can do very little and still pass because they only get graded on what they do, and don't get failed for not completing most of the work.

    Every so often we will have a friend who wants us to give their lazy teen a labourer job in the summer so they can learn the value of getting an education. My husband has always obliged, but we have to give the parents the same talk, if your kid is lazy, it's very unlikely that they are capable of even managing to succeed as a labourer, and if they don't work out we will fire them. None of the lazy kids have lasted very long, it's a learning experience for the parents as well as the kids, because most parents aren't willing to believe that their child is so lazy they cannot succeed even at a menial job.

  4. this is my first playoff season outside Ottawa... and Toronto is closer:huh:

    so... normally I'd route for the Canadiens...but they are facing Ottawa in the first round...

    so I'll stay loyal to my home team despite not being at home

    It's nice to have the option of staying loyal to your home team in the playoffs, mine doesn't like to go to the playoffs, maybe the golfing is too good around here lol.

  5. I would love to go to a professional hockey game. One of my favorite things to come out of Canada... Hockey!

    I did a quick search on Hockey in Canada, is your league the IHL? Or is the NHL simply united in both countries and considered a multi national league?

    The NHL started in Canada, we just let you play in our league.:D cause we're good neighbours, and so polite and all, eh?

    I've been to professional hockey and football (CFL) games. I have also watched many kids hockey games since my son started playing community league when he was 4. I prefer the little guys, they're adorable zooming around like pint-sized Wayne Gretzky's.

  6. When we last moved we chose the neighbourhood first, and then only looked at houses in our price range that had our requirements. We made a list of "must haves" and "nice to haves" and we made sure that we were primarily choosing based on the "must haves". That said, when we walked in our current home we knew it was the one, it had all the must haves, most of the nice to haves, and was at the bottom end of our price range. It had been intentionally under priced in a hot market to generate a bidding war. We saw it the first day it listed, put in an offer within the hour, and only left it open for consideration till 9am the next morning (1 hour before they had an open house scheduled). They accepted, so no bidding war and we didn't even offer over the list price.

    This was all before we joined the church we had a very different experience this year. My husband has been wanting to own a farm all his life, but has been waiting till we can afford the land. Last month we found the perfect property, a quarter section with hay and pasture, two quansets, two houses, all the corrals and outbuildings needed for a small beef operation, even an artesian well (water is a real issue around here). Simply by renting out the second house, and there are already tenants in who want to stay, and leasing out the pasture, if we decide not to start raising cattle just yet, it would generate enough revenue to pay the mortgage. My husband still intends to run his construction business so this is the perfect "starter" farm that is close enough to the city and still affordable. On praying about it, we were distinctly told to stay put. We don't know if this is just for now, or whether his farm is never in the cards but before we joined church we would have been aggressively pursuing this opportunity, as is we are trying to accept :) and hoping that its just a "not now".

  7. Telemarketers also need to realize that the unimportant receptionist they just lied to (can I talk to boss man, we have a big construction project to discuss) can sometimes be the wife of boss man and co owner of the company, and we will not buy anything from you now.

  8. No, it presumes that most people wrongly confuse getting an education with getting a degree; that it is possible to live an intelligent, well-informed life without ever setting foot on a college campus; and that many people are better-suited by temperament and by circumstance to make a living using technical training than with a college degree.

    This is so true, I notice a stronger push to get all students, regardless of temperament, into university. Schools are looking at university acceptance rate as a measure of success. Guidance Counsellors seemed to think that only a certain class of kids should go into the trades.

    Funny story kind of, I was helping arrange a huge skills competition for the local construction association, it was to showcase the trades as a career option for local high school students, the first year we had to cold call school administrators to try to get students out to it. One guidance counsellor actually told me that her school didn't have any of "that kind" of kid, her students (all 3500) were university bound. After the event, which was a huge success, and had lots of local news coverage the principal of that school called, he wanted to be on the contact list for the next year because he thought lots of his students would have enjoyed it.

    To be successful in a trade requires a high level of intelligence, and excellent problem solving skills, because problems are pretty much the only constant in the field. Obviously I'm biased, because I'm married to the most intelligent man I've ever met (that would be book smart+common sense) and he's a carpenter who runs his own construction company. His high school pushed him towards the academic route, but it didn't suit his learning style or needs, so he dropped out.

  9. I am non-LDS so I don't really understand this tug-of-war that seems to be required to be a good Mormon. The sealing you go through is not a wedding. The first ingredient to being sealed is you need to be married. You can get married without being sealed but you can't be sealed unless you are married first. With the LDS church in North American this is done with one ceremony, but it doesn't have to be. Converts who are already married, eventually get sealed, this does not diminish their sealing at all. You can get married civilly first, celebrate with all your family and friends, and then wait your year. Enjoy being married, get to know your new spouse and then when it's time to get sealed, it's all that much more sweeter. That's how I see it anyway. Good luck!


    I don't agree, I am a convert and while I don't feel that our sealing is in any way diminished by having been married for 12 years prior to it, a temple wedding is special, and is the ideal that I am hoping for for my own children. The celebration with the family and friends is not in any way threatened by the temple wedding, since the celebration is the reception in any case. Most religious people desire to be married according to the rites of their faith and saying the temple marriage is not important is like telling a Catholic or Protestant that getting married by a justice of the peace at a gas station (my mother actually did this) is as good as a church marriage. I have found that being sealed adds an extra degree of commitment and closeness to our marriage that I didn't even realise was missing before, and I think it is a valuable and worthy desire to want to start out your married life with that bond. OP this is where leaving your Father and Mother and cleaving to your wife starts, decide what is important to you as a couple and stick to it. You can show your family that you love and respect them by telling them why this means so much to you and asking them to be involved in the reception, and having a ring ceremony is a great idea.

  10. He's a bit of a player and I think he does this quite a bit with girls. However, he's my good friend...

    If he is a player who frequently breaks the law of chastity with various girls, he is not your friend, he just appeared to be your friend so he could entice you. Or in the words of Fleetwood Mac "players only love you while they're playing". I agree that you need to worry about your own salvation not his, and honestly the Bishop needs to know if he has a wolf in sheep's clothing in the ward. I know that seems like an extreme characterization, but I think that someone who is unrepentant of sexual sin, and is using the ward as his playing field is a spiritual danger to the ward.

  11. And I have no room in my life for the sycophant progressive mind-set, or "touchy, feel-good" political correctness.

    I am with you on this point. We have taught our son that he is allowed to defend himself or others who need protecting from bullies, including by force if necessary, so long as he does not start the fight. Or as my husband puts it "you don't start it but you can sure as heck end it!" He has been suspended twice for involvement in fights, the school policy is to suspend anyone involved regardless of circumstances. Both times, he was hit or violently shoved first, both times the bullies had a "posse" backing up their cowardly behaviour, and both times the bullying ended because my son put the bully on the ground with one punch, and then walked away. We did not fight the school on the suspensions because we know the policy and it was evenly applied. I think it's OK for kids to learn that sometimes even if you do what you believe to be right, it may not be socially acceptable and that we always have to accept the consequences of our actions, no matter whether or not it seems just. And bullies need to learn that they won't always get away with their behaviour, because there are people out there who will stand up to them, even if it is against the "rules".

  12. I agree with the other posters you need to respect the missionary's calling by keeping your thoughts to yourself. I think you should consider that it's also possible that you are more attracted to the ideal the missionary represents, rather than the missionary himself. You are currently living in a situation where you are breaking the law of chastity, and because you have children you are not free to do as you please with no regard to others. This isn't the time to dream of a new "better" relationship, this is the time to focus on repenting and correcting your situation so that your life is in harmony with the gospel, and as you are a mother the first consideration should be what your children need and deserve.

    You don't tell us much about your partner other than that you guys fight about the Church. If he is a good man and a good father, and the only area of contention is raising the children in the Church, then I think you ought to start working on the relationship, improving communication, getting counselling and yes getting married (once you have settled the issues you are having), because children deserve their fathers, and good men deserve to be a big part of their child's life. Of course I don't recommend this unreservedly, if there is abuse or addiction, then you you need to seek help and your decisions will not be so easy. Any relationship will require lots of effort and patience and sacrifice to make it work. Marriage requires both spouses putting the good of the marriage ahead of their wants and needs, and when you are a parent, the kids also come before you as well.

  13. I teach the combined Mia Maids and Laurels class and I am looking for suggestions on how to deal with their behaviour. Between the two classes there are only 7 girls, and we desperately need all, or at least most of them to participate so that we can have good discussions in class, we have two Laurels who frequently skip class, they roam the hallways and hide in other parts of the building, or outside. We do go looking for them, sometimes we can find them and bring them back, somedays, like today, they actually ran away when spotted. We didn't give chase. The rest of the girls, when they come to church (a few of them seem to be veering towards inactivity) tend to be disruptive and giggly and frankly very disrespectful of the time I put in preparing a lesson for them.

    They also frequently (all of them but two girls) don't attend Mutual. We have had the Mutual activities planned and chosen by the class presidencies, however the class presidency members don't attend, and often don't do things they have volunteered to do, leaving the adult leaders scrambling to get it together at last minute, so that we can at least offer an activity for the girls who do come. The excuse is always too much homework, I don't buy it, they all seem to keep up on the latest TV shows and go to parties and shopping with friends, so I think time management is the issue, yes, we have done a class on time management within the past year. We do remind them frequently to do things they have volunteered to do, and they always say they are working on it, or will do it, until they just don't show up, or we get a Saturday evening text saying "I didn't get the invites done for Sunday, and I'm going to the dance tonight so I don't have time" she had two weeks!

    We have spoken to the girls as a group about skipping (it used to be more of them doing it) and coming to activities so that the activities can actually run, and fulfilling things they volunteer to do. We have had the Bishophric speak to them and we have also communicated with the parents of the class skipping girls. This week I prepared a special lesson (with the Bishop's approval) about service, fulfilling our callings and sustaining leadership. Since our two skippers were missing, and three other girls didn't come, we had two girls. I didn't give the lesson, we sat in with the Beehives.

    We have been trying to encourage the girls to live up to their responsibilities, without coming down to hard on them, so that we don't discourage them from coming to church. Several are in very snarky, moody teenage phases, and several others have families that are struggling a great deal, or inactive, so we want church and Muual to be a rewarding, safe place to be. So where do we go next? I'm inclined to think we should ask the Bishop to talk directly to the parents of the skippers (parents are active so not too delicate a situation). If I were the YW president I think I would ask the Bishop for support to cancel several activities (especially the fun ones) when the presidencies are not fulfilling their obligations, so that they learn that there are consequences that affect others when leaders don't do their jobs. We have already done a training session with the class presidencies (those few who showed up) on their responsibilities and delegation and leadership skills. It is reaching the point where we don't have enough participation to run a program, anyone have any suggestions, as leaders we are becoming very frustrated and burned out with this situation.

  14. I heard it, I would consider it more a rebuttal than a shout out, she was discussing the example of her mother who lived as a widow for 47 years. Sister Dalton shared that her mother "called down the powers of heaven" to bless her family by keeping her covenants and through the power of prayer. The part that struck me was this "She understood what it was to be a covenant keeper. She was never recognized by the world, she didn't want that." As one of the arguments of the Ordain Women group is that many women don't have the priesthood in their home and are thus denied blessings, I thought it was a specific example showing the fallacy of that argument, and subtle response that many of their arguments are prideful.

  15. From Sis. Dalton, and Elder Ballard's talks, the answer I'm seeing from the Church is "you don't understand the nature and purpose of the priesthood" not that I'm very hopeful that the agitation will get dropped in response. "There are none so blind as those who will not see"

  16. Also the only thing you owe anyone is yourself your happiness.

    Please don't take this at a criticism, but I, and many LDS people don't believe that our personal happiness is the most important thing in this life. It is a common belief in our society, and used to justify doing whatever people feel will make them feel good regardless of the consequences. We have made covenants with God and keeping those covenants and serving Him are the most important things even if it is harder and requires sacrifice in the short term. In the long term (eternally) it will bring us greater happiness than we could know here on earth.

  17. I thought it was a great article, one of the best results of marrying somewhat young was the experience of "growing up" together. We had a baby and a mortgage (and consequently no entertainment budget) while our friends were still partying it up. It caused us to evaluate much sooner where we wanted to go in life, and what sort of life we wanted for our family. If we had spent our twenties having fun alone, instead of struggling together we would not be nearly as settled as we are now. We weren't "mature" when we got married, it was the struggles that we went through together that matured us. This is what I think is behind the extended adolescence we see in society now, you simply won't grow up unless you take on adult responsibilities and strive to live up to them.

  18. I can set up two corporations, call them different names and represent them as separate entities, and legally, they are. But if I were engaged in wrongdoing through those corporations I could still be held personally liable as a director because I am still controlling their actions. If you were a ripped off client you would likely consider them as morally the same entity, because of the shared director and actions. By the "same folks" I mean that the memberships pull from the same community, the methods are the same, and they are being promoted on the same blogs. There may also be crossover on the actual creators, but I can't find that All Enlisted has a publicly acknowledged founder, so I can't compare it with Ordain Women.

  19. At the risk of causing contention, I would like to point out this:

    Hope’s Bright Flame Alight: Ordain Women’s Launch

    Brought to you by the same folks who agitated for wearing pants, and claimed it had nothing to do with ordination for women.

    I know there are likely some people who feel there is nothing wrong with this type of activism. But this isn't a community group that needs to keep up with the times, this is the Lord's own church, we are led by revelation, not agitation. It makes me very sad to see members setting up the church for the ridicule of the world. There are more appropriate ways to make your feelings known to the leadership if it matters so deeply to you. I don't understand how these members could claim they are sustaining the leadership of the church when they are trying to use public pressure from the world to shame the church into doing what they want.