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Everything posted by Alphalpha

  1. Your not the first person to propose the ancient astronaut theory, but it would require a second god--an ultimate god who who created the universe, unless you're challenging traditional Judeo-Christian theology that God is not the first creator. An even more interesting question is addressing the first cause. Dawkins states that requiring an intelligent being as an a priori is less simple than simply having a spontaneous big bang. Between the two options, a spontaneous big bang is simpler. Dawkins says that if we propose that God initiated the big bang, then then we have to address God's origins. The renown aged philosopher Anthony Flew recently converted to theism after promoting atheism for decades. In his recent book "There is a God", Flew reached his conclusion based completely on philosophy and logic. In opposition to Dawkins, Flew has chosen to believe in the reality of God (as an intelligent Mind) which exists as the brute fact which instituted the big bang. The alternative for Flew is to accept that the universe started as chance and he finds this more preposterous than to accept that the cosmic constants are designed by intelligence--the cosmic constants being those laws of physics which if just one of them were off by just a fraction of a percentage, the universe wouldn't support life. This is one of the strongest and most common of the newer arguments of the theists--that the universe appears to have been finely tuned to result in a prolonged existence which allows for life. In "The Grand Design" by Stephan Hawkins and Leonard Miodinow, they claim that the reason that the universe appears to have been finely tuned to support life isn't because there is a designer behind it, but rather because our universe is just one of many--i.e. a branch of the multiverse. Most of the universes' laws don't allow for a balance of gravity and nuclear forces, so they won't create carbon and other elements necessary for DNA. Those other universes will be relatively insignificant. Ours is one of the universes that allows for life. Hawkins use of the multiverse would seem to negate the need for God. Flew says that all Hawkins has done is kick the can down the road. Flew says: what's more complicated, a mega-multiverse or a single intelligent Mind? If a multiverse is the the origin of our universe, then how was the multiverse created?