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Posts posted by PhxLucy7

  1. Apologize first to your husband, be a loving wife to him, then find a way at a later time to take a moment to express yourself. For the marriage's sake. And I am sure he will be more receptive if he feels security from you.

    He doesn't always show his feelings and to me it feels like I have to guess how he's feeling because he won't tell me outright. I really have never thought that I needed to make him more secure because he always seems so sure of himself. Now I'm starting to think maybe he is feeling vulnerable and neglected. Before I relied on him solely. Since we have moved closer to my family, and since I've decided to go back to church he may feel like I have more going on. Now I am starting to realize that I may have been too comfortable and not appreciating him as I should. I feel so bad about that. I really appreciate all the comments because I have been feeling frustration but I didn't think about how I have been frustrating him. And I know that I just assume that he should be feeling what I'm feeling or understand me better when all along I need to try to be more understanding of him.

  2. I don't know about your particular situation but this reminds me about a couple of sisters I know from the Church that are married to non-members husbands and they are in a similar situation than yours. In their case, they met their husbands when they were going through a period of inactivity, but sometime along the way, they became active again and that caused a lot of conflict in the marriage.

    One of them is a good friend of mine. The way she sees is that the husband hates everything about the Church because it changed his wife and she doesn't agree with it.

    But the truth is that she indeed changed and the husband feels that he is married to a different woman. All of the sudden she dresses more conservative, no longer drinks beer and became religious. I totally understand the guy's frustration. I just cannot understand how they cannot see it.

    In this particular scenario, it seems to be that your husband just needed to rant a bit and needed you to be more empathetic about his experience. Your husband always comes first and validating his feelings is crucial to the development and healing of your relationship.

    Suzie, My situation is so similar. When we met I was inactive but I did tell him that I was a member of the church. I had told him that I was unsure at the time about what I was looking for and he understood that. Becoming active again seemed like a shock to him. But he never once has asked me not to be active in the church. He doesn't mind me going. It's amazing that my testimony has grown so much stronger than it was before I fell inactive. I felt that when I came back I actually wanted to learn the gospel and be a part of it, as before it seemed like I was just going through the motions. I know I have changed a lot since I came back to church and I know I have a lot more maturing to do on my part. I feel that at times I forget that I need to be there for him. He has a strong personality. But I am realizing more that he is not going to tell me what I need to do for him I just need to put myself in his shoes.

    Thanks so much for all the responses. I definitely needed to hear all this and I know that I need a lot of improving if I want to follow the Savior's example. I always think of what I can do outside the home but never put into consideration what I should and could be doing to comfort my husband.

  3. Did you even CARE about how he felt?

    I guess I didn't think about how he felt because he gets upset with anything church related.

    If you don't want to put strains in your relationship, you should probably LISTEN to him.

    You need to apologize. You need to put whatever 'self-righteous' attitude you may have in check. You probably feel you have and are entitled to some kind of righteous superiority or 'holier than thou' complex because you're religious... and he isn't.

    I feel like I'm scared to apologize. He isn't very accepting of apologies and he will sarcastically bring up things that I've said or mistakes that I've made for many weeks after. I guess i will just apologize for not being more sensitive to his feelings and just deal with the consequences of my actions. I wish I hadn't even asked how it went for him..

    This may be a 'funny' video, but you do need to learn the lesson here. (You're the guy in this one.)

    Thanks for this video, I can definitely see the similarities. I feel so bad because my husband tells me all the time that I don't listen. And I guess I feel like I know whats best and that he should listen to me when in fact it's setting him off and causing more tension :(

    Or was this just some kind of 'setup' to get your husband to visit the temple and trick him into trying to feel the spirit there?

    He likes to do photography and I thought maybe if he went to see the temple he would feel the spirit there... After each time trying to get him to do anything church related I feel like it's a mistake on my part... I don't know if it's because I go about it the wrong way or because maybe I'm being to pushy with it? Should I just not bring church into our conversations?

  4. I do tend to get ticked off but not very often, and I think he knows that I'm not the type to get angry. I feel like anything involving church causes conflict for us. So if I defend the church in any situation it's like I'm just doing it because it's LDS, not because it's right or wrong or because its how I feel but because I'm just wanting my family or friends to know that I'm active in church. He doesn't see it as something that I'm truly feeling. He sees it as me just wanting to be Mormon because my family is. I may have been inactive in the past and searching for something different but I came back because I knew thy I had taken it for granted ad that I was wrong. I finally felt peace with myself but with this peace comes these conflicts in my marriage. I feel frustrated on a daily basis, but I keep trying to be positive. I want my husband to know that it means a lot to me and it brings peace to me but at the same time it hurts me because he doesn't think that I truly feel this way. He said that one day I will see the light... Sigh I don't want to argue with him. I wish he was just accepting of me

  5. My husband is a non member. He is out of town on visit and I asked him to go by the temple there to take pictures. He did and said that the Mormons there were rude. He has tattoos and felt as if they looked down upon him. He said he never wanted to go back. I said we'll those same people wouldn't be there if you went back there would be different people. Not all people are rude maybe just those couple you encountered. Anyway he got upset with me. He said I never defend him and don't think about his feelings and I always try to defend church over him. But in reality I feel like I try to see the best in all people and in all situations. I try to be positive and I was just trying to make him feel better. All in all it didn't change his thoughts. He got aggravated with me and hung up the phone. Now he won't talk to me and I don't know if I should just leave him be or what do I say? I don't feel like I need to apologize for anything... I don't want things like this to put strains in my relationship in the future, should I just not say anything??

  6. I have looked through these things and it all pieces together and makes so much sense. I want to continue to study and learn more and understand the gospel more fully so that I can more appropriately back up what I believe in. I appreciate this so much. And hopefully I can bring this up to my husband and pray that he can soften his heart. Thank you so much!

  7. Thanks for all the helpful advice. My husband isn't LDS and he has a problem with me being so sure about what I believe in while not having all the answers. Last night he asked me about eternal marriage. He didn't realize that other religions don't believe in marriage after death. I found a website that explains from a "christian" point of view that marriage ends at death and that there is no need for marriage when we die bc we will all be together as angels of God. He agreed with that and said that he believes he will be with his family and loved ones when he dies. And he brought up the term "soul mates", as in we don't need marriage because we will always be "soul mates". I know that to him it might sound ridiculous for me to believe in all this and not be able to back it up but I feel the spirit and know of a surety of it. He can't understand having the Spirit and he said he doesn't feel the way I do. He appreciates much of the church teachings but when it comes to the Book of Mormon, modern day prophets, Eternal marriage... he gets mad. He wanted me to prove that it says these things in the bible. He also questioned me about Heavenly Mother and becoming "Gods" after death. but I just referred to D&C 132: 19-20. I told him that we believe we are here to become more like our Heavenly Father and that we can inherit all that he has. He does not believe that we can become like Heavenly Father. He said that "it's impossible, God is God, we won't become Gods because there already is a God." *sigh* I'm not quick enough to keep up with all this and it gets me down but I still have faith

  8. It's sad because he won't even read the scriptures and if I tell him to look on he won't. He wants to look through other perspectives I guess. I will pray and I think that talking with my bishop will help me feel better.

  9. My husband is researching the church by looking through other sources that aren't of our church and ex-Mormon YouTube videos. How can I stay positive through this? We haven't talked about it but I can hear the videos playing in the other room. Occasionally he will ask me questions about things that he has heard from sources he's looked at in the past. An today he brought up a website he found that "scientifically proved" that the BOM was made through uses of other books. Thanks for any advice!

  10. I am married to a non-member. When I started going back to church he was not very supportive. As I kept going to church, participating in my callings, and just living by standards with love and respect towards my husband he became more accepting. He has been coming to church and has accepted a calling to work with the scouts. It seems like things fall into place as long as you put your faith in Heavenly Father and put Christlike attributes into the relationship. And I try to see my husband as Heavenly Father does as an eternal being with an eternal purpose. I respect him and his decisions as I would hope that he would do for me. It makes me happy to know that it all has a purpose and it may take time but it will all work out. "Come what may and love it" :)

  11. Sometimes I want to defend what I believe in but I always get worried because I feel like it will cause unwanted drama. I'm not the arguing type, my mother-in-law is and she is always eager to talk about the way she believes to anyone around. They are very liberal and free spirited. I appreciate the love thy they have for anyone and everyone. But when it comes to opinions other than their own it can get kinda ugly :\ (mainly political stuff). As far as religion goes she feels that all people find God in their own way, that it should be personal, and that religion takes away from that.

    With my husband having this kind of upbringing, I'm not sure how he believes religion wise although he has told me that he is Christian. I'm not sure if he really knows what's in the bible or has heard anything about the savior prior to coming to the LDS church with me. He likes the idea of our savior, loving and kind. With all the teachings of the church he seems to like the importance of family. He just can not imagine that his family would be taken away without sealing or that marriage could end. Most Christians believe that marriage is not to be in heaven but we are all brothers in sisters in Christ. My husband doesn't believe that either. He thinks that we will be with whoever our "soul mate" is when we die. I explained that my belief is that things will work themselves out in the next life for people that don't have the chance here. I told him that if he didn't accept the gospel here then maybe in the next life he would and our sealing could be done for us. Still to him he thinks that's crazy and it's just my belief... Honestly hough I feel comfort in knowing that our Heavenly Father would love us enough to have order and organization. If we have a loving Heavenly Father he would have us here for purpose and give us direction without force. That's why I know that this church is true. It makes more sense to me than other churches I've been to or studied. I wish that my husband could come to that understanding that I have been given but t doesn't come easy. I have hope that these things will work themselves out eventually :)

    Thank you for all your responses, I am greatly appreciative!

  12. Dravin,

    I really appreciate this conference talk and it has definitely given me some insight. I definitely feel in my heart that this life is for our eternal progression and feel that our Heavenly Father has set these commandments for our benefit. It's just hard to voice my opinion to my husband, and in-laws. My mother in-law has said before on a facebook post that sin is fictitious and that God loves all his children no matter what. I have said that we all make mistakes and can learn from our mistakes and become better. She did not respond. It is hard for me to try to imagine talking about these things knowing how offended they can become. I wish I could know of a way to talk with a surety the things that I know in my heart to be true in a patient manner and without having impatience are argument come back my way. Is it worth it if it comes up again? Or should I allow them to talk and not join in on discussions? Any thoughts are helpful...

    Again I am so grateful that this talk, "Love and Law" has been brought to my attention... I definitely feel like it has helped me more fully understand.

  13. My husband is a non-member. He seems to enjoy many things about the church but other things, not so much. He does not like the idea of temple marriage. He has been raised by parents that are very spiritual and believe that no religion is the "true" religion. His parents have always taught him that God is Love and that love lasts forever. When missionaries were teaching him he asked about celestial marriage. They told him that we believe if you marry in the temple that you can be sealed to your family for eternity. He rejected this idea. He said, "There is no way anyone can tell me that my parents aren't going to be together forever unless they marry in the temple." He also believes that we will continue to stay married after death and asked me about my thoughts. I did not know how to go about answering these questions. I did tell him that I believe that even if people don't accept the gospel or marry in the temple in this life that they could have the option in the next life. He just refuses this concept and says it doesn't make sense.

    How can I help him understand celestial marriage or explain it in a way that makes sense? I hate that it offends him and I wish that he could see that things will work themselves out for the best...

  14. Another thing that happened last night,

    My husband asked me, "What if what you believe is completely wrong? Do you think God will be mad at you? What do you think will happen when you die if this church isn't true?"

    I believe I answered this in the best way possible, I said, "Well, if I am absolutely trying my best to live my life in the way that our savior did then I think that Heavenly Father would be pleased with me for trying to be a good person and living with good morals and values." I told him I believe that the church is helping me to become a better person everyday, the teachings are positive and uplifting.

    He had no argument at that but he nodded with approval. I felt the spirit with me after this experience and felt peace in my heart.

  15. Here is a possible scenario. Husband at some other time, or next week, asks the same question, "Will you stay home with me today?"

    PhxLucy7 responds, "Yes, today is fine if I stay home with you, because I love you. However, should I stay home with you today, because you love me, the next two Sunday's I will need to go to church, will you support me, because you love me also?" (Look him straight in the eyes, with a compassionate and loving smile -- wait for his response)

    Now the love and the rhetorical question is placed upon him. It presents to him the same scenario he presented to you. :)

    Thanks so much for this scenario, I can definitely see how this can be a loving, Christ-like approach to this situation and I appreciate it. And I feel that it would be giving on both parts if I did stay home one sunday, and then he come to church with me the next week and possibly then the next :) Thanks for this comment.

  16. Yesterday I was preparing for church and my husband begged me to stay home and said, "You must not love me then." It seemed like he was joking but I'm unsure and don't know what to say to something like that. I just replied, "I do love you very much." Last night he told me that he would be praying for me to know the truth and hopes that I go back to my "old self". Has anyone else had any experiences like this with a non-member spouse? Thanks :confused:
  17. Thanks for the kind response, Andennex;

    There are some verses in the Doctrine and Covenants that leave me feeling that I've lost my exaltation. They are Doctrine and Covenants 132:15-17;

    "Therefore, if a man marry him a wife in the world, and he marry her not by me nor by my word, and he covenant with her so long as he is in the world and she with him, their covenant and marriage are not of force when they are dead, and when they are out of the world: therefore, they are not bound by any law when they are out of the world.

    Therefore, when they are out of the world they neither marry nor are given in marriage: but are appointed angels in heaven, which angels are ministering servants to minister for those who are worthy of a far more, and an exceeding, and an eternal weight and glory.

    For these angels did not abide my law: therefore, they cannot be enlarged, but remain separately and singly, without exaltation, in their saved condition, to all eternity: and from henceforth are not gods, but are angels of God forever and ever."

    This is all pretty damning, to me.....I don't know. If you know of any verse of scripture or doctrine that makes a second chance available, I would be interested.

    The only thing I can think of is that hopefully, through the atonement of our Saviour, I can "repent" by being faithful and true to my husband, and perhaps it will be taken care of at some time.....But, I don't know.



    If your spouse were to pass away before you though couldn't you do his temple work for him and also be sealed to him that way?

  18. If you and husband are somewhere in the middle of those two extremes, then you're basically pulling innocent children into a situation where they'll be used as pawns in their parent's power struggles. I grew up with a little bit of that, not much, but just enough to make me feel like my choices meant betraying one parent or the other.

    It wasn't a fun position to be in as a kid.

    My father has always been strongly active in the church. When I was about nine years old my mom became inactive but she always encouraged us to go to church. Looking back I remember feeling sad that she chose not to go with us. She has never been very supportive of my fathers callings in the church. Recently she has started going back to church within the past year and just got her temple recommend. It gives me some hope, but I see where it can be difficult for children and often confusing.

  19. I have been a member of the church my whole life. In my early 20s I strayed from the church and did not participate in church activities for a couple years. During that time I fell in love with a man and married him. Since we have been married I have started showing interest in returning to living a Christ-centered life and through constant prayer I have come to know a fullness in my heart that the church is true and that I want to strive to live my life according to Christ's example. I have become active in church and have a calling. Anyway, I have tried to share this with my husband. He comes to church sometimes, participates in my family's FHE, and he has talked with the missionaries. When he goes to church he seems to enjoy it while e is there. But when we come back home and go back to daily living he seems disinterested. He always tends to find something that he doesn't like about the church. He tries to argue with me sometimes and I don't want to fight. The missionaries have asked him to read the Book of Mormon with me and pray about it. He says he will then when they leave he doesn't want to and complains that they just want to baptize him. I don't think he prays about these things but lives day to day not wanting to focus on spiritual needs. I don't know where his head is at an he doesn't really tell me what he thinks, he just doesn't want to talk about it. We both share strong values about family. But he doesn't like the thought that without baptism and sealing he can't be with his family again, I told him that even of people don't accept the gospel in this life they can accept it in the next life. The both of us do not use alcohol nor tobacco or drugs. But we differ on thoughts of eternal marriage, living the gospel, prayer, scripture. His mother has taught him that he is perfect the way he is and doesn't need to change his ways for anyone or anything. I just don't believe that. I know that this life is a testing to learn from mistakes and constantly strive to become better. Lately my husband seems prideful and irreverent. I had been praying constantly everyday that he may be able to feel the spirit with him that he may become humble and kind. I know it's a process and I'm trying to be patient with him when he acts like this. I am just looking for advice. What can I do to help my home feel peaceful and happy? What can I do to help persuade my husband to find out the truth? I want to be with him I see his potential everyday and know that he is a child of God too. I hope one day that he will come around and we can marry in the temple, any advice please?

    Thank you