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Posts posted by bigernflo

  1. It's been a long time since I posted on but then I saw this thread. I'm on my second week of sobriety from a six year daily weed habit and all the things I lied to myself about why I used marijuana has gotten so much better. I started smoking pot because I was having severe migraines and I got to the point where I just wanted the pain to go away, and it did but then I was smoking for my anxiety and then just to unwind next thing I know I'm smoking every single day, wake up and smoke, go to work and smoke, come home and smoke, I've been in a haze for six years and I feel so much better now that I quit. I think the worst part was that I suffered spiritually because of it. You cannot be an active latterday saint and go around high all the time.

    I would like to talk to you more about this since you have actually used before.

  2. If I were to assume that you and I agree on God's will being superior to man's laws, would you be able to demonstrate how smoking weed is okay in God's eyes?

    Call me crazy, but until something like this is expressly accepted according to official church doctrine, I'm not even considering it.

    Good and I am not saying you should smoke pot. I started this thread not to debate though I felt on some replies that I needed to defend myself. All I wanted is test and see if other members would judge me for believing in something.

    If I could get Marijuana medically I would but I can't. True I did try pot for the first time because friends of mine had said how awesome it was. However the next day I research it. I resarched it because that is what the church taught me. Find out for yourself what is true and what is right. I continue to use Marijuana because I have not found, through personal use and research, that it is not harmful to the body. My first experience was with medical cannabis in Califonia luckily. And have only gotten medical grade cannabis since.

  3. So the fact that men, women, and children die for your entertainment is of no consequence.

    Now, be honest. The real reason you support decriminalization of drugs is because it would make it easier and cheaper for you to get high. All that other stuff is of minor consequence to you, as you showed in your "fifth amendment" comment.

    You must have read that wrong. I do not support any of that for my "entertainment" which is not why I use Marijuana. I use it for my depression and anxiety.

  4. Hi bigernflo,

    So, where do you get your weed? Do you know a local grower, or do you roll your dice with something that comes from south of the border?

    If the latter, I'd like to hear you talk about how it's ok to line the pockets of the transnational criminal cartels that do business in kidnapping, murder, and child sex slavery.

    5th amendment. But I will say I know exactly what I am getting. And no being here at drug cartel ground zero in the southwest border states, I do not think any of that is okay.

    That is why I support the decriminalization of drugs. That way the drug lords have no illegal business. And instead of all our tax dollars going to the war on drugs, which is a complete failure, it can go toward getting these people medical help. Because that is what it is. A medical issue not a law enforcement issue. Many people who start using drugs are people with mental illness, like myself. We need to get doctors involved and keep the law out of it.

    We have prisons filled with non-violent drug users. And we have streets filled with violent gang bangers because drugs are such a high commodity and in such high demand. It's in high demand because it's illegal. Make it legal it lowers the demand. Why? It is readily available. You can tax it. Gain income instead of wasting money. I believe it's time we change and actually get a handle on the real criminals out there. The ones that steal or rob your house. Those that take advantage of the weak. Those that hurt people and take from others.

  5. I don't oppose to people using marijuana under the advice of a competent physician. There appear to be cases of mental illness and depression where the patient responds well to the chemicals released through marijuana.

    I do have concerns about self medication and self directed use.

    Though this isn't a marijuana use story, it's kind of similar.

    One of the assistant scoutmasters in my troop suffers from a severe form of depression. When his depression is really affecting him, he tends to become verbally aggressive and offensive. He's aware of the problem, but has a very difficult time controlling himself when in a depressive cycle. He developed a smoking habit when he was young and found that the nicotine helped calm him in stressful situations and helped him develop better relations with people around him.

    When his oldest son was born 12 years ago, he decided it was time to quit smoking. This was a challenge for him. Not only was it difficult to give up the nicotine, but he became verbally vicious to those around him with a very short temper. He hated this about himself, which triggered his depression, which made him even more vicious and short tempered, which put him further in get the idea.

    So after 12 long years of trying to quit smoking, he's mostly kicked the habit with a cigarette every now and again (I forget if he said it was every few weeks or every few months). But the only way he makes it is with the use of nicorette (nicotine gum). When he starts getting stressed, he pops in some gum and it helps calm him.

    I don't know if this man will ever be able to fully overcome his depression, whether through chemical intervention or otherwise. While he tries, I"m certainly not going to begrudge him his Nicorette or the occasional cigarette. I think it's better for him to have more positive interactions and not hate himself than to break his addiction to nicotine at this time.

    Circling back to marijuana...under the care of a physician, I'd feel the same way about a person using marijuana.

    Thank you for actually having something usefull to say. Although I feel there is big difference between Marijuana and cigarettes. I appreciate you for not being judgemental.

    I do not feel that Marijuana is something that is "evil" or a sin. Or even something that is against the word of wisdom. Just because you smoke it doesn't automatically make it against the word of wisdom. If it is harmful to the body then it something to be avoided. Marijuana is not harmfull to the body, and I truly believe our Father in heaven created this plant for medical purposes and for our enjoyment. I have just been taught and it is my testimony, that all things on this earth where created by God and that if something is good it also must have come from Him. With my experience with Marijuana I have come to the conclusion that it is something that is good. So therfore if it is good then it must come from God for a certain purpose.

    Before using I felt like I couldn't do anything. That I had no potential for anything. I had no desire to even get out of bed. I was the sterotypical pot head stoner who had never used even used it yet. However since using this plant I am on my way to getting married and starting a family, I finally have a possitive attitude and have the desire to live. The first thing I do in the morning as soon as the alarm goes off, I take a hit and it gets me going for the day. Kinda like coffee I guess. But it doesnt give me energy it changes my way of thinking from today sucks to today is the day I go out and achieve something.

  6. Hi,

    I am an active member of the church and I smoke Marijuana everyday. I view Marijuana as something that is very benificial to mankind. It has help me combat my depression and anxiety issues. More so than any other prescribed drug. I started this thread so that other Mormon Marijuana Smokers can express their feelings without judgment.

  7. A lot of members do view Marijuana use as a sin. I for one do not. I have smoked pot heavily for about 2 years. Using almost everyday. I struggle with depression and anxiety and I have a firm believe that marijuana has not only help with anxiety and my mood. It has also saved my life on numerous ocassions. The scriptures also even say that God created all plants and herbs for our use. Marijuana is actually very benificial to the body and to the mind. If you are unsure about Marijuana then research it. But don't keep your focus set on what some or most church members may say about it. Only because I feel members tend not to have open minds about things of this nature, because pot has been viewed as a "drug" and that the word of wisdom says "no" to any drug. But that is not what the word of wisdom says at all. The word of wisdom says that no thing that is harmful to the body or addictive should enter it. However, I have found countless documents and research saying that Marijuana is not destructive to the body nor is it addictive. Their are also studies suggesting that Marijuana can even prevent cancer from forming in the body. The most important point I want to make is to find out for yourself. Don't do anything because someone else is telling what is right. We are all here on this earth to grow and perfect ourselves. Smoking pot or not smoking pot I feel, has no bearing on your spirituality or your worthiness.