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  1. Hi, I really could use some feedback help. I'm a Father of 3 and I've been married for ten years, most of which haven't been great. My wife and I rarely have sex. just a couple of times in the past couple of years. She use to just deny me every time I asked her for that kind of attention. Eventually I just stopped asking and removed the thought out of my head. I've thought about divorce for years, since we haven't got along real well for a long time. Recently I met someone I worked with and really connected. I really felt guilty for how much I like this person but it was so nice to be around someone like her. We started to really connect, which led to us doing things which definitely shouldn't be done while married. We didn't have sex, but we have done heavy petting and such. We both have tried really hard to stop feeling this way, but the seeds been planted. I've thought about divorce, but I love my kids so much I can't stand the thought of leaving them. I care for the well being of my wife, but I don't have any other feelings for her. I've thought about talking to my bishop, but I'm afraid of what might happen. I'm afraid that he is going to tell me to tell my wife and she is going to want to get a divorce and take the kids. I thought about just getting a divorce and never telling her I had a connection with this other girl. That way I might have a chance of having more custody of my kids. But if I'm suppose to just live my life unhappily married and stick it out without sex, then I guess I'll have to try. I keep praying to know what to do, but I can't get answers. Maybe I don't have the faith because of my own unworthiness. HELP