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  1. I would just like to thank everyone for taking the time to post and offer advice xxxx
  2. Hi, I hope you do not mind my posting this, 15 years ago I was ex-communicated, its a long story, short version is my mother threw me out as she did not like my attending church, a very good male friend offered me a place to stay, my mother then contacted the church and told them lots of untrue things which she later admitted , but did not give them the address of the house I was staying in. Apparently the Bishop etc attempted to contact me via my mothers house and she never told me or sent letters on until the letter stating I was ex-communicated:(. I was so angry that I stupidly refused to contact the Bishop and tried to forget about it all. Fast forward and I am married to the very good friend with 3 amazing children, but I have never managed to forget the church, I still have my scriptures and even though I do not outwardly show my faith its still there. My wonderful husband doesnt really have faith but has told me many times he would never stop me from finding out about returning, but I often wonder, do I really want too? My younger days in church were not the nicest, I was not born into the church, but attended quite often with a friend from when I was a young child and was baptised when I was 18, had various callings etc, but never felt like it was home:( Anyway, about 6 years ago some Elders knocked on the door and I asked them in, we had a long chat and they said it was "possible" to come back but it was a long proccess. I still do not know if I could actually face walking in the door to church after the way I was treated by members, who, most likely are not still there and to have interviews with the new Bishop. I know I am being very silly but I am a very shy person and I find it very hard sometimes to walk into a situation when I have no idea what will happen. Is it possible to come back from something like this? Could I attend without having to have the meetings etc to start with or would I not be allowed? Thank you for reading:)