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Everything posted by scottym

  1. Well I mean I cant say much for you. Except the more I hear from the mormons the more i know their religion CANT be the true church of Jesus christ. Because if it were, as it claims to be so true, and so holy of Jesus himself, then people wouldn't make fun of other people or throw around name calling. Just because I dont speak good english doesnt mean you should make fun of me. Jesus would have never done something like that. And from what I know the claim of Joseph smith was that no mormons wanted to free the slaves because they didnt beleive it was right... That has been quoted that Joseph smith said something almost just like that. I watched a movie about Joseph Smith too, some movie the church made, and none of his claims were ever backed up by evidence. Doesnt the bible say to test everything? I dont know, The church has too many problems to be the true church of Jesus Christ I think. I mean, can anyone explain why the "true church" would have so many flaws that they never talk about. That they keep hidden? Why do all the mormon kids i talk with know scripture from the BoM but can hardly quote anything from the bible? The mormon church back in Japan i hear has the same problem, for teaching out of both the bom and the bible.
  2. So yeah. I've prayed about the book of mormon, and God hasnt said it is true. In Fact, in my questioning of a member of the LDS church we go so into trying to find the answers that by the end of our conversation she was utterly convinced the book was not true and that the bible was the only way to Jesus Christ. One of the things that we came across was the ammount of racist subtleties in the book of Mormon and the fact that Joseph Smith himself was against freeing the slaves... These things were very troubling, and I would like to know if someone can account for this and explain why the mormon beleife seems to be that white people are better then blacks and native americans. And oh yeah, where do asian people stand on this? Becuase from what i've heard it seems like being black is a curse and white is a blessing, so what does that make the asian population?
  3. wow, yeah about the Joseph Smith Revised bible... I just read up on that. He appreantly was told by God what revisions to make to the bible. But the church claims that the KJV is the most accurate? But wasnt Joseph Smith the Prophet? I hate to sound critical, but that is kind of strange that they use the KJV (which is incorrect apparently; or, not accurate) when the joseph smith version exsits.... strange huh? Can someone explain this to me? I seriously dont get this one at all... And I know that the church website has some of the passages of the jst avalable, but why then do missionaries and other people teach from the KJV? It's not accurate. Why would you not have ALL teachings out of the fully accurate and restored bible?
  4. Hey thanks for the information everyone. I had a few more questions. I've come across alot of websites that have found many contradictions to the bible. If the book of Mormon is scripture, there shouldnt be contradictions. So I was confused. are the people on these sites crazy, or are their obvious flaws that just dont really matter? It was kind of alarming to find this and check up on these, I mean the way I read this and looked them up, this seems to show many contradictions... can someone help to explain? 1. Compare I Nephi 1:2 with Nehemiah 13: 23-27. The Egyptian language was a very corrupt language from idol worshiping people who had persecuted the Children of Israel as Hitler did the Jews during World War II. No Prophet of God would have ever used a corrupt language to convey God’s message at this point in history. See the above quote from Nehemiah as to that prophet’s reaction to a mixed language. 2. The Book of Mormon speaks clearly that it was not inspired by God when you compare it with what God has already said about inspiration. I Nephi 1:3; 19:4-6: II Nephi 11:1; 25:7; 33:1; Mormon 1:2-6; Jacob 7:26-27, contrasted to Deuteronomy 4:2; 1 Corinthians 2:13; 2 Peter 1:20-21. 3. I Nephi 2:5, Sam is a Yankee name, Samuel would have been a Jewish name. 4. I Nephi 2:8. There is no river in all of Arabia now or ever in recorded history, and no river which empties into the Red Sea! 5. I Nephi 5:14. How could a devout Jew not know what tribe he was from until he saw the “plates?” 6. I Nephi 8:4, “Methought,” an Elizabethan English poetic word. 7. I Nephi 10:8, exact quote from John 1:27. (An example of plagiarism.) 8. I Nephi 10:11, “Holy Ghost” is a King Jamesism and was not known in 600 B.C. 9. I Nephi 10:17, “Faith on the Son of God.” A term never used by an Old Testament Prophet, keeping in mind that was allegedly written between 600-592 B.C. The Messiah, who would be King and Deliverer was expected but not, the Son of God. 10. I Nephi 10:18, “same yesterday and forever”; a quote from Hebrews 13:8, 600 years before it was written. 11. I Nephi 11:21, “Lamb of God,” strictly New Testament language. Compare with John 1:20. 12. I Nephi 11:27, baptism of Jesus–John 1:29-34. The one who wrote the Book of Mormon had read much of the New Testament. 14. I Nephi 13:23, why the explanation to Nephi when they had these “plates” containing this information all the time (cf. 5:11,16)? 15. I Nephi 16:18, bows of steel? “Iron, steel, glass, and silk were not used in the New World before 1492 (except for occasional use of unsmelted meteoric iron). Nuggets of native copper were used in various locations in pre-Columbian times, but true metallurgy was limited to southern Mexico and the Andean region, where its occurrence in late prehistoric times involved gold, silver, copper, and their alloys, but not iron.” (National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution) 16. I Nephi 16: 28,29, faith given to the “ball.” Does God ask us to have faith in anything but Him? 17. I Nephi 21 and 22, copied from Isaiah 49, 50 (another example of plagiarism). 18. II Nephi 4:17, “O wretched man that I am,” exact quote from Romans 7:24 by the Apostle Paul, 600 years before he was born? 19. II Nephi 1:3, “land of promise” for the Jew was the land of Canaan. See Genesis 13:14-18. 20. II Nephi 4:21, the love of God causes his flesh to be consumed? 21. II Nephi 5:21, black is not beautiful! 22. II Nephi 5:23, don’t marry a Lamanite or you will be cursed. Mormons tell us that the Lamanites are the American Indians. 23. II Nephi 6-8, compare with Isaiah 50-51. (Example of plagiarism.) 24. II Nephi 10:7, a false prophecy. The Jews are back in their own land, only in unbelief. Compare with Deuteronomy 18:20-22. 25. II Nephi 12-24 are Isaiah 2-14. (Example of plagiarism.) 26. II Nephi 13 compare with Isaiah 3. (Example of plagiarism.) 27. II Nephi 25:19, “Christ” was not His last name. Christ means “The Anointed One” or the Messiah. The name “Jesus” was not foretold in Old Testament times. Check Isaiah 9:6. The first time the name was mentioned was when Gabriel told Mary as recorded in Luke 1:31, “and shalt call his name JESUS.” 28. The Book of Mormon is purported to be “a second witness to the Bible.” Who needs the kind of witness that condemns? See II Nephi 29. 29. II Nephi 28:8-9, seem to condemn Mormonism’s doctrine of repentance after death. 30. II Nephi 29:11-13, God dealt only with the Children of Israel and commanded them speak in His name in Old Testament times. In the New Testament, John 12:47,48, Jesus tells us we are to be judged in that last days by the the things He has spoken. 31. Jacob 2:23-3:12, condemns polygamy, see Doctrine and Covenants 132. 32. Jacob 7:27, “Adieu,” French in 544 B.C.? 33. Mosiah 2:3, “. . .offer sacrifice and burnt offering according to the law of Moses.” The Book of Mormon “Nephites” and “Lamanites” were from the tribe of Manasseh, (Alma 10:3). No Manassite could give attendance at the altar according to the law of Moses. Exodus 28-31; Numbers 3:7; Nehemiah 7:63,65; Hebrews 7:12-14 tells us only the tribe of Levi and particularly the Sons of Aaron could give attendance at the altar. 34. Alma 7:10 Jesus born at Jerusalem? See Micah 5:2; Luke 2:4. The Mormon argument is that “Jerusalem” referred to the general vicinity, but in I Nephi 1:3 it is called a “city.” 35. Alma is supposed to be a prophet of God and of Jewish ancestry. Alma in Hebrew means a betrothed virgin. Hardly a fitting name for a man. 36. Alma 46:15, “Christian” in 73 B.C., contradicted by Luke in Acts 11:26. 37. Alma 44:12-16, the bad guy gets scalped and suffers nothing but anger, causing him to fight more powerfully afterward. Incredible! 38. Ether 1:34-37, the language of the Jaredites not confounded at the Tower of Babel, contradicts Genesis 11:9. 39. Ether 1:43, the Jaredites are promised by the God of the Book of Mormon to be the greatest nation on earth, and that there would be no greater nation. However, in the Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 15:1-5; 17:1-9, 19; 18:17,18; Romans 2:2) this promise is made. The seed of Abraham is still with us and the Messiah came through that lineage. The Jaredites destroyed each other and within a few generations ceased to exist. 40. Throughout Ether chapter 2, we find the God of the Book of Mormon needs to be given instructions and corrections, for his instructions are foolish. See Job 38-40, for God’s reaction to anyone who might try to instruct Him. 41. Ether 3:9-13, 19, redeemed from the fall because the brother saw the finger of the Lord. Compare Hebrews 9:11-15, 22. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. See also Abel’s offering (Genesis 3:7). 42. Ether 15:30,31, Shiz struggles for breath after his head was cut off. 43. IV Nephi 6, 57 words are used to say 59 years had passed away. The question should be asked: “HOW MANY LIES DO YOU HAVE TO FIND IN A BOOK TO KNOW IT IS NOT FROM GOD?” ------- this is what was posted on one of the sites i visited.
  5. Excellent! Now read the Book of Mormon. :) well the bible doesnt talk about the book of Mormon... that's what i dont get. Is the book of mormon scripture or doctrin or what?
  6. well i've read the bible. I'm talking about the book or mormon. The other guy, Dr. T said it's not apart of the bible. So, what is it from or for then? If it is not apart of the bible is it scripture? Where does the book or mormon come into teaching in LDS? That's the things i dont understand.
  7. Wait, seriosuly? He said that the book of mormon completes the bible... I'm really confused now. What does the book of mormon have to do with anyting if it's not apart of the bible? Elder wilson said that you need both of them to know about God fully...
  8. Hi everyone, so I have a pretty good knowledge of the bible. But I've never really understood what the book of mormon is. I met a missionary, Elder Wilson, who talked with me for a few minutes, who had a lot of interseting things to say. He gave me a book of mormon and told me to check the church website. He also told me to read adn pray about Moroni chapter 10. I dont know anything about the relgion; or where the book of mormon comes from, like, he said it was apart of the bible, but i've never seen it. If someone could explain everything to me that would be great. I'd really like to know because it seems really awesome, but I dont know anyting about it.