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  1. Thanks everyone. I wasn't sure how it would be perceived, since I know you're not supposed to lobby for a calling. But now that I know, I feel okay about making the offer.
  2. Just wondering... are all talks, prayers and musical numbers in Sacrament meeting strictly by invitation or would it be appropriate to volunteer for let's say a musical number? After all, how else would people even think to ask and know of someone's musical skills?
  3. Thanks, everyone. Since I'm new to the church I just didn't have a clear idea yet of what exactly to expect from visiting/home teachers. Just to clarify, I'm really not too worried about my house being overly messy, but I'm a private and introverted person and since I'm living on my own and don't normally invite anyone over, it's very much "my" space. It does not look like other people's houses that I visit, and some things must seem strange to visitors, yet again since it's just for myself it doesn't usually matter. I exactly absolutely do NOT want them to feel like they have to help me with my home in any way. But I will keep everyone's answers in mind and try and prepare them a bit, and maybe suggest meeting elsewhere instead.
  4. I'm a new convert and scheduled my first visit with my visiting and home teachers. I like the idea of home teaching and visiting teaching, but I'm plainly not used to having guests over. I tend to be extremely practical, quite Spartan, and a bit messy. My home is NOT equipped for guests (without going into details, just trust me that it is not). I'm not sure what the expectations really are on my side. Is it customary to offer some food or drinks? I can't even really do that right now. - I'm worried that they might think I "need" certain things in the home that I plainly don't want right now, and that their visit will be uncomfortable to them.