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Posts posted by Alaskagain

  1. I just have an inexpensive cast metal grinder that is manually cranked; it looks similar to a meat grinder that my grandmother used to have. It clamps on to the edge of a table or countertop. I only grind up enough at one time to fill a regular flour cannister, as I have heard the nutrients degrade rather quickly once ground. It can be used for several different grains and nuts. Mine was a gift, but I think it cost about $30 at someplace like Harbor Freight.

  2. Is this what you are looking for?

    Spencer W Kimball, From a 7 September 1976 address at Brigham Young University:

    “Soul mates” are fiction and an illusion; and while every young man and young woman will seek with all diligence and prayerfulness to find a mate with whom life can be most compatible and beautiful, yet it is certain that almost any good man and any good woman can have happiness and a successful marriage if both are willing to pay the price.

    (March 1977 Ensign) - Ensign Article - Oneness in Marriage

  3. tiancum, I am sorry you are going through such a hard time. It is my opinion that the Lord will not be angry at anyone who is asking for His help. At least you are asking. There are those who will suffer through hard times, knowing they can ask for a blessing, but who struggle through on their own either because they don't want to "bother" a priesthood holder, or because they don't want others to know of their struggle.

    As far as the OP goes, I am assuming the daily blessings of comfort were given by her Priesthood holder husband. He sounds like a compassionate, loving man. It doesn't matter if the blessings were given daily, or hourly. He was acting in the Lord's name on her behalf. What a guy!

  4. Yes, Funky, BLESS you! What you did today took great courage! You are wonderfunkyful! Know that even though you think you haven't been a good example in the past, you ARE being a GREAT example to this girl. I am sure you are totally emotionally drained . ... so here's a big hug!:bearhug:

    I will continue to keep all in my prayers, and hope for the best!

  5. I am going to be pretty straightforward here. (And the paragraphs probably aren't in the right order, but I really don't care about the rules of prose at this point. )

    She is under 18. She is using an illegal ID to obtain an illegal abortion.

    If you cannot convince her that this is not the right thing to do, you can go to the clinic with her, and as she is filling out forms, say in a LOUD voice "Oh, you are using THAT ID? Where did you buy that?", or you can say in a quiet voice to the administrator "She is 17 years old, and has a fake ID."

    You can choose not to go with her, and call the clinic and say "She has an appointment at 9:00 am. She is saying she is 18, but she is not, she has a fake ID."

    Maybe it won't change a thing; perhaps the clinic administrators will not care if she is using a fake ID. But maybe it will. Maybe it will stop it.

    You can also talk to your parents, and/or her boyfriend, and/or her parents, tonight, before it is too late.

    And what will happen if this event is stopped? She may try to hurt herself so that she will not have the baby. She may have the baby and neglect or abuse it. She may give the baby up for adoption. She may marry her boyfriend and together they may take care of the baby. They might get divorced later. They might stay married 56 years. She may reconcile with her family and they may support her and the baby. She might get a college degree with the help of her family. You do not know which of those things may happen.

    Some will say that you have no right to go to such lengths to interfere in her plans. You don't know what she is going through. It is her choice, and her choice alone.

    You will have to decide if they are right.

    If you take any of these actions, know that she will likely hate you for it. You can ask for her to forgive your "betrayal", and continue to try to help her.

    But maybe, after a couple of years of not speaking, she came to you because she knew your beliefs. And maybe she wants someone to help her make the right choice.

    Talk to her tonight. Ask her to pray with you.

    I have all 3 of you in my prayers.

  6. In another respect though I know that polygamy will come back in the future so maybe this is the spark that will bring it to legal recognition throughout the western world. Then the Church will have to re-instate it.

    The Church won't have to reinstate it. If ever the practice were to be reinstated, it will be reinstated by revelation from the Lord.

  7. I found this reference, not Joseph Smith, but George J Romney, via a talk by Elder Bednar.

    "We are commanded and instructed to so live that our fallen nature is changed through the sanctifying power of the Holy Ghost. President Marion G. Romney taught that the baptism of fire by the Holy Ghost “converts [us] from carnality to spirituality. It cleanses, heals, and purifies the soul. … Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, and water baptism are all preliminary and prerequisite to it, but [the baptism of fire] is the consummation. To receive [this baptism of fire] is to have one’s garments washed in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ” (Learning for the Eternities, comp. George J. Romney [1977], 133; see also 3 Nephi 27:19–20). " - Ensign Article - Clean Hands and a Pure Heart

    Perhaps the Romney citation will lead you to it. (I will keep looking, too)

  8. I've been cleaning up my language for sometime and it's probably about as good as it's going to get.

    I know that feeling! Change is hard, and some things take concerted effort over a longer period of time.

    Yet, we must reach for our higher potential always; I have met none who have reached perfection in this mortal life. Please do not become complacent in believing that something is as "good as it's going to get". We must always strive to be better.

    President Hinckley always encouraged us to do better. In reflecting on his wonderful life, and all that he was able to accomplish in his devotion to the Lord, I am so humbled. He was one person. One person can make a difference.

    There are many things in our environment that we cannot control. But we can control our own language, and in doing so, we are one person making a difference in our homes. The use of loving and respectful language definitely makes a difference in mine.

    Don't settle for what is now. It's definitely okay to pause every now and then, reflect on what you were, pat yourself on the back, and say "Look how far I've come!" But please don't stop there! Stay the course! Keep striving! Don't ever give up!

  9. Wow, Food. I can talk about Food. Yum.

    Ordering in a restaurant, I will try some new dish I have never had before, a little adventurous in that way . . . but on the first visit to a new restaurant, I have to order cheesecake for dessert, especially if it is made on premises.

    I am on a quest to find the best cheesecake. I have eaten cheesecake in about 15 different states, I don't have any idea how many different restaurants. The best so far (it's a tie): a small cafe at Lake of the Ozarks (made on premises by the chef) ; and Stony River (but their's is not made on site).

    I have gained five pounds just thinking about it.:animatedlol:

  10. hmm. never tried it, sorry.

    But, it reminds me . . . Clark Howard of talk radio says that you can use the same disposable razor many times over, as long as you keep it clean and dry - water being the enemy of the razor's edge. Use a q-tip to swipe it clean and the hair dryer to blow it dry for just a few seconds after you finish shaving.

    For 19.95, you could buy a lot of disposable razors. . . .

  11. My perspective - Look at the internet "neighborhoods" and content available in 2001 and compare it to today's environment. In 2001, MySpace existed (I think) but in a very limited capacity in comparison to today. A typical chat room, if I remember correctly, was basically a cyber-singles bar, unless it was a techie board.

    I think the neighborhood has improved substantially!

  12. For sinus issues, saline nasal spray is good and it has no pharmaceutical/chemicals. With a really bad (impacted) sinus infection, a saline wash is very helpful although yecchhy to do.

    I too use crock pot for a humidifier! The shower tabs (i think Vicks?) are also helpful.

    But my favorite -- i just go sit on a bench at the beach and breathe the salt air.