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Everything posted by singlemamad

  1. THANK YOU SO MUCH for your explanation! I kind of understand the leadership roles from an outside point of being raised Catholic, but just was curious what they did exactly! And I remember in a different post u told me about ur dolls and even shared some pictures...very imaginative! So far so good with my Facebook haha, luckily something's can be kept private and at this time there are things I chose to do that with, but in the meantime they have a sense of humor and haven't condemned me yet for my Facebook, so I think I'm good so far!
  2. That's who I talk to are the ones on does make it easier to ask questions lol! Funny thing is, the moment I was typing my reply my chat head for facebook popped up and it was them reminding me we were talking tonight.....I wonder if their ears were ringing?!!
  3. Oh yes....I have asked them plenty....I just feel like I'm always wasting time with my mantre of questions lol! I'm happy this forum is answers questions I haven't even asked yet!
  4. Who the quorum 12 apostles are, what a Bishop is, what is the Presidents role? How is that decided? Do they serve terms, or a certain amount of time? What is seminary? Do all kids do seminary? At sacrament, who are all the other men who sit up there? Behind the bishop? Any other leader types or roles I am not aware of? As an investigator I am just trying to figure these out and I don't want to bother my poor missionaries with my sill questions haha! Thank you!
  5. I understand what you're saying, and thank you. I known it probably was a silly question but he popped up on Facebook asking if another member of the church could join us on Thursday, and then asked how I was.....I was honest and said "right now.....not so good" I didn't delve into detail because these are young men and not certified domestic abuse counselors it just brought me to wondering what SHOULD they know when it comes to trials and such with an investigator, because I can tell u its things like this that really test the faith....thank you again for ur help and answers
  6. That's exactly what I mean! I'm sure (well, at least I hope!) These boys have no experience with these issues, so I'm sure they have no idea on how to respond or react. The only thing that worries me about this whole mess when it comes to the missionaries is......this is just really playing with my faith....I feel lost with everything. I felt like things are going great and then wham something happens.....but I really don't want to burden them with issues they probably have no idea about lol
  7. A couple of things come to mind, which is why I had to ask I guess. First, they are young boys, I don't want to burden them with these problems and I know they aren't counselors, I actually called the woman's resource center today just waiting on a call back to begin counseling. But at the same time, I know this is really testing my faith.....very very much so, that's why I was wondering if they should be made aware. I am also ashamed I let all of this happen and I know humility shouldn't get in the way, but for some reason it is......these poor missionaries lol
  8. I have been speaking with the online missionaries and so far they are great and have given me some links to some awesome videos and have been very good at answering questions and making me see that there is an AMAZING Heavenly Father out there.....however, I was stupid. I am a domestic abuse survivor, and I fell for him telling me that after three years he is now alcohol free and has changed. He has shown me that the past three days on the phone. I feel like a failure, I was supposed to be moving to where he lives (Michigan to Iowa) on the 21st, put in my thirty days for my apartment, changed addresses with friend of the court, and my children even think we are moving. I just can't do it because I know we wouldn't be safe and would be far away from safety if we did need it. Right now things aren't so great either. I can only find a part time job, I lost my car because I couldn't afford it, my sons ADHD and behavior is out of control, family support is limited and I have to get them out of this tiny two bedroom apartment (many reasons, financial, drug addicts next door, just not a great thing AT ALL for my children) luckily my dad is letting us go to his home until we get that straight. OK, now that you know that......should I make the missionaries aware of this situation? I told him I was going through some rough times, but I don't think he knows the extent. He gave me a link to a video about a fork in the road....but this feels a little bigger than that.....I feel like I am failing my children, and not only is my faith slipping, but so is the love for myself. I honestly have no idea how me and my kids are going to make it. He sends me links about happy things.....but right now I just feel like sitting and crying......I just wonder if I should let these poor guys know what their dealing with...... Any advice?
  9. That is really creative :) I bet you could do a lot with that! Its a good way to rp :)
  10. I have to ask what is bid RPGs??? Lol curiosity is getting to me now
  11. Haha! Well you can imagine then how I felt they might feel about my Facebook lol! I have to admit I even his a couple of my posts on Facebook.....thought it might scare them away haha! So far so good! They also do talk on Skype...and luckily there isn't to much that can incriminate you on there
  12. The first missionaries to visit my home I will never forget. Not saying that I was not understanding of why they had to leave, but I was appreciative of what two young boys opened my eyes up to! They were so kind, and so understanding of my situation.....and I was amazed that most of the stereotypical views we have as non-lds were ohhhh about 99% wrong. They opened me up to something with a simple knock on my door. I might not have listened then, maybe it wasn't the right time.....I try to believe all things happen for a reason. I know they aren't there to make friends....they are there to introduce you to everything (people might think I'm silly by making two 19 and 20 ur old boys my besties overnight anyways haha!) But.....lemme tell you, once they intro you to something u realize you think you just might be never forget them! I also like how they are online now. That really helps in so so so many ways. Very good thing they did that! So far these two (only met once) have been very sweet, one is even a convert so he I hope is understanding of things and the way I view them :) This journey I think will be hard because I am going to have to do some intense self reflection, but I feel at peace and I feel OK with that :) its going to be hard, but in the end I feel it is all worth it :)
  13. Thank you for that! that would be more of what I need haha!
  14. Haha yes,....have been doing a lot of praying lately! I have been trying to read the Book of Mormon, but I am more of an ummmmm audio type of listener I like how there are tons of youtube videos as well as the links the missionaries have gave me (Mormon Channel).....met with them today online, went very well....meeting again on Friday :)
  15. Thank you! I do enjoy reading all of the is so much information and in enjoy all of it!
  16. Hello! My name is Denise and I am a 27 year old mother with three amazing kiddles! This is my third time speaking with missionaries...... And Heavenly Father has shown me THIS TIME is the time I need to praying, I have contacted the online missionariesm , we are talking tomorrow via Facebook. I'm ready to listen now.....and I can't wait! I know I have made some mistakes, and oh boy do I still make them....but I'm listening to him! I am so greatful for this site!
  17. OK, here it goes! Firstly, I need to introduce myself. My name is Denise, and this is my third go around investigating the LDS church. First time, I have AMAZING missionaries, who really were just so full of love and acceptance! I think however, at that time, the message they were trying to give me was just not ready to be heard, and we drifted. Fast forward two years later and I reached out, I felt like I was ready to listen when EVERY time I thought of going on my spiritual journey, I was lead to them. Well....met with them twice.....and I'm stubborn....and didn't listen. I think I had a clash with the missionaries (I am not saying they did anything wrong, very sweet boys, I just don't think our personalities meshed well) we are now. This time its different, I don't know how to explain. I am being led here, but this time its more like a OK Denise we are done playing this game, Its time now.......Heavenly Father is now telling me its time.....and its incredible how at ease I feel with this. He has came to me nightly, urging me to speak with him.....and I am! The most amazing thing happened today actually when I was thinking to myself how can I be accepted into the LDS church? They won't accept me, I am a single mother to three children, I smoke, I like the coffee......they won't accept me....and no joke...the most calming voice told me.....I ACCEPT YOU! I LOVE YOU! YOU MAY HAVE TURNED YOUR BACK ON ME BUT I HAVE NEVER ONCE TURNED MY BACK ON YOU! NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO MY HAND AND MY LOVE WILL ALWAYS BE HERE! it was incredible......I can't explain it....I then realized.....who cares? Who cares if someone judges me...he doesn't.....I'm doing this...because he loves me. So, I am meeting with online missionaries tomorrow....and I am hoping I listen....I am choosing to listen to him this ears are open. I am nervous this time, but in a different way. I'm not nervous about people not liking my decision, because Heavenly Father does, I'm not nervous about quitting smoking, because Heavenly Father will hold my hand and help me the whole time......I'm nervous about feeling this love, I'm nervous about how he has so much love for me.....I want to shown him how much I'm ready to love him! The advice I really need is.....what would be the right steps to take to him this time? Has anyone spoke to online does it go? Thank you! And I'm sorry for my rambling, I just found his presence today SO inspiring!