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  1. Thanks guys! I sought out and got a blessing from my ysa president and his assistant, last night. I prayed and pondered then prayed more. I felt in my spirit to tell her how I prayed before being baptized for signs it was the right thing to do. I will mention how I prayed to God to meet a good mormon girl and I met her that day. I'll say being getting to know her, making her smile and laugh makes me feel so happy amd energized. I don't want to lose this. I want to have a relationship with her. With technology it's possible to be long distance for a time then to be together again, since I am being depended upon ans quit my jobs. Only one job comes to mind if I stay in NY. I will say how I had to tell her to have more inner peace and see where things go. I'll ask what she feels for me and her thoughts. Also how she can think about it and tell me more in a few days.
  2. Thanks. Of course it wouldn't be living together outside of marriage. It could be long distance relationship for a while then marriage. I did think it's possible to seem weird. I already told her some of the ways my prayers were answered that same day. This will be how she is a part of it. If I don't say anything I could lose her. If I try there is a chamce of good. Also, it would be a great testimony to have met your spouse on the day of yor baptism. I had thought I messed up with this girl a few times but then she came to me apologizing. So she is a wonderful girl and I see hope. I will tell her. Thanks for your replies, you two!
  3. Before being baptized this month I asked God to give me signs the same day that it was right. I got those the same day and one was to meet a good Mormon girl. I took her out twice. I am moving soon, which is a problem. With how I met her the day of being baptized makes me know it's from God that I met her. So do you think me telling her she is part of the answer of my prayers and how she is such a sweetheart. How I like being with her amd she makes me so happy. Do you think me telling her that will help her decide if she will move with me. Obviously marriage will be in our future if she agrees. Do you think me tellig her how God answered my prayers with her is good to do to help get her?