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Posts posted by iguy2314

  1. ^^^ Reading messages like the one above always, always makes me thirst for real sense. From C.S. Lewis, "The Four Loves."

    "God is love. Again. "Herein is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us." (John 4, 10). We must not begin with mysticism, with the creature's love for God, or with that wonderful foretastes of the fruition of God vouched for some in their earthly life. We begin at the real beginning, with love as the Divine energy. This primal love is Gift-Love. In God there is no hunger that needs to be filled, only plenteousness that desires to give. The doctrine that God was under no necessity to create is not a piece of dry scholastic speculation. It is essential. Without it we can hardly avoid the conception of what I can only call a "managerial" God, a Being whose function or nature is to "run" the universe, who stands to it as a head-master to a school or a hotelier to a hotel. But to be sovereign of the universe is no great matter to God. In Himself, at home in the "land of the Trinity," he is Soverign of a far greater realm. We must keep always before our eyes that vision of Lady Julian's in which God carried in His hand a little object like a nut, and that nut was "all that is made." God, who needs nothing, loves into existence wholly superfluous creatures in order that He may love and perfect them. He creates the universe, already foreseeing - or should we say "seeing?" there are no tenses in God - the buzzing cloud of flies about the cross, the flayed back pressed against the uneven stake, the nails driven through the mesial nerves, the repeated incipient suffocation as the body droops, the repeated torture of back and arms as it is time after time, for breath's sake, hitched up. If I may dare the biological image, God is a "host" who deliberately creates His own parasites, causes us to be that we may exploit and "take advantage of" Him. Herein is love. This is the diagram of Love Himself, the inventor of all loves."

    This will be my last message here. I urge anyone investigating the LDS Church, or Christianity in general, start with C.S. Lewis, one of the finest minds of the 20th century, who believed in the Nicene Creed, who believed in the Trinity and all the foreknowledge and treasured doctrines of early Christianity. Investigate with all your mind the true doctrines of the LDS Church, the history of Joseph Smith and the historical basis for their claims. Read, pray, and truly ask if God could ever abandon his people, if the followers of Christ could fail so easily, or if so much good could come from something deemed so uncharitably "abomination." God doesn't work like that, not in history, not in our lives and not in His Son and the Church he built. God bless fellow pilgrims!

  2. Thank you for responding.  That is exactly what I see as the rhetorical problem.   If his unique and exceptional essence is good there are rhetorical problems:

    1. Man is in essence not in the image and likeness of G-d.  – The singular essence of man is distinctly different and therefore man by essence is nothing at all in the image and likeness of G-d.

    2. Jesus was never a man by essence.  If G-d cannot create his essence he cannot change it.  Therefore Christ is a fraud and a hoax and cannot have the essence of G-d and pretend to be a man or vice versa.

    3. Christ said not to call himself good because he said only the Father is good.  Then there must be a difference in the essence of the Son from the Father.  The only rhetorically logical understanding is that the Son is a creation of the Father.

    4. If G-d’s essence is good then by your definition there is goodness which G-d cannot create.

    5. If G-d cannot be created he is not the reason he is G-d and by the same rhetorical logic cannot offer the essence of eternal life to man – salvation then by definition is not eternal in the same manner G-d is eternal.  In fact the whole notion of eternal as far as man is concerned has no rhetorical meaning.

    6. The scriptures are incorrect in saying G-d created all things in heaven and earth – Meaning G-d is not responsible for his goodness in heaven.  Or that G-d is not something that actually exists and he cannot choose goodness.

    There are also extensions into this rhetorical logic – for example - Since G-d creates the essence of his creations (which is unique and separate from him) and since such essences cannot be the same (image and likeness) Then the goodness or evilness of each individual is the creation of G-d that created such essence – and for G-d to not take or share any responsibility for his creation’s essence; makes G-d’s essence a failure in replicating his essence of goodness.


    Another example is the fall of man.  If man is fallen from G-d then Jesus Christ is not a person inclusive in the singleness of G-d.  Man is not fallen from Jesus.


    Another problem is the intent and extent of the rhetorical logic of person.  For example – if a corporation is rhetorically a person then person is not singular nor is an individual of the corporation (which is singular) complete – or as according to ancient logic; perfect, whole or holy.  But if the intent of person is singular then Jesus is not G-d but of the quorum of G-d – meaning that G-d does indeed have parts.


    1. Likeness of something implies inherently that it is NOT that thing.

    2. Christ was man by essense, as he is fully man and fully God. That's the incredible paradox of the incarnation.

    3. The Trinity recitifies this.

    4. This doesn't logically follow. Are aspects of God separate from God? No.

    5. Again, the Trinity answers this.

    6. This is the implicit difference between the LDS God and the God of Israel/Christian God the Father. He stands uncreated and the universe serves no other purpose than Him.



    The Fall of Man has everything to do with Jesus, it's why the Catholic Church calls him the "Second Adam." He is Man as Man was meant to be, which is why he called himself the Son of Man. Again, the Trinity recitifies your problems with this. How could Christ possibly forgive sins if he is somehow separate, in essense and existence, from God?

  3. Let me just interject on these things:



    You keep on touting your "indiginous background".  One doesn't need "ancient Egyptian background" to believe that God revealed Himself to Moses... and I don't see how believing that God revealed Himself to Moses is offensive to Atheist Ancient Egyptian and Egyptian Archeology experts...


    Except that the story in Exodus actually deals with historical facts and peoples. The miracles/plagues/wonders are all things to be believed in faith, but not whether the Egyptians actually enslaved Israelites, not whether the Israelites were a real people in a real place.


    Christ coming here and teaching to the Indigenous cultures is not backed up by one iota of historical/archealogical evidence and does an extreme disservice to the ingenuity and uniqueness of their cultures. Honestly, it's 19th century white-savior complex being induced on a spiritual/theological level. The Aztecs, the Mayans, the Toltecs and hundreds of other cultures stand on their own merit. Why didn't Christ appear in South Africa? To the Australian aborigines? To the Chinese? To the Philipines?




    You don't have to believe that Christ, after his resurrection, revealed Himself to people in the American continent.  Just like people don't have to believe that Mary revealed herself to the children of Fatima and Lourdes... just like people don't have to believe that Jesus revealed himself to Joseph Smith in New York in the 1800's... just like people don't have to believe that Jesus revealed himself to Saul... people don't even have to believe that Jesus revealed Himself as the Son of God to anybody!



    Mary appeared to devout catholics, not to Egpytians or Muslims or Buddhists, IE somebody outside of their faith. Why would anyone care if a 14 year old who is a super catholic is supposedly hearing stuff from the Virgin Mary? If I was not Catholic, I would not care. But if I started my own sect of Christianity that started espousing (without any evidence) that Christ had appeared in the 600's to Muhammad, or to any of the great dynasty's of China and teaching this as fact,  I would be injecting my "beliefs" into somebody's history and culture.



    Your indiginous background and even my theological studies does not help either of us when it comes to matters of faith because our expertise in anything does not prove one way or the other that 1.) there is a God., 2.) Jesus Christ is the Son of God who is also God., 3.) they're capable of revealing themselves to anybody of their choosing.


    I am almost done with my investigation into the LDS Church and I'm sorry if I've offended anyone here. It's cool that you guys believe Christ appeared here, but that is a belief that must be purely a matter of faith, much like the resurrection or the assumption. It's different that believing that Christ was a historical figure and a Jewish teacher that walked the earth and was crucified, which has been established historically. There is no historical establishment of any Christian/Mormon kingdom here in the New World. My indiginous background DOES help me because it's a part of who I am. I have studied my culture as much as any person from England would study theirs, as any American historian would delve into what happened using facts/reason/evidence. A Mormon missionary telling me that Christ appeared here and that there were Christian kingsdoms here is, and will always be, extremely offensive without an ounce of data, or ANY professional historian/archealogist backing it up.

  4. I found this particular statement quite interesting.  One of the doctrines in the religion of the indigenous peoples of the Americas was what was called the “Fountain of Youth”  In essence it was believed that  to those that drank of these living watters; eternal life or life without death.  What I find interesting is that the Christian conquers never recognized that Jesus Christ is the true and actual “Living Waters” or “Fountain of Youth”.  Rather than recognize any possibility that the G-d that had come down from heaven and taught the indigenous peoples this doctrine – they forgot their connection to their own G-d and sought their misunderstanding to their own destruction.  If the “Fountain of Youth” was a representative of Christ – Then the Christians (including Christian institutions) that sought to destroy this so called myth in the Americas did a disservice to their own cause.


    I'm not even sure how to respond to this.


    The "Christian Conquerers" you so aptly named do not represent the doctrine/authority of Catholicism. They represent Colonialism and the temporal power of nation-states.


    Many religions, great/minor/crazy have dealt with, often through myth or storytelling, some aspect of immortality. This is as old as death itself. What distuingishes Christ from all others is that he defeated death by death, and didn't just seek an infitite stopper to death and a continution of this life, but one beyond it. Linking a legend of the fountain of youth, which could probably be found in 10 other regions/cultures in Africa/Asia/anywhere simply by googling, does not in any historical/theological way show that Christ came here. I believe all of those legends and myths have been pointing to God, because man has been made for God, and can yearn for him with his imagination and intellect.


    What you are proposing is unhistorical and baseless. You're seeing what you want to see. Christ never came to the Americas, and as someone with an indiginous background, I find it very offensive to say otherwise.


    Is the "Fountain of Youth" myth actually a part of LDS history and scholarship? Did the newest Indiana Jones movie consult anyone about it?


    And you never addressed how the doctrines of Catholicism established the dignity and equality of all people from the New World.

  5. Not to mention the petros/petra Peter/rock meanings.




    Can you expand on this? The 19 year old missionary that explained this to me told me much of what this article pushes forth.


    The "small rock" thing vs Jesus the bedrock doesn't really hold up when you account that (in Matthew) the Greek was translated from Aramaic, which we have documented records of from the early Christians like Eusebius of Caesarea. The world today has the Greek translations of the New Testament, but the scholarship behind the compilation/translation of the Bible shows that you MUST have a working knowledge of Aramaic to get a faithful translation. Otherwise, you have 19 year old boys telling the world that the Greek word for little stone was just a huge misunderstanding and causing lots of head shakes for linguists.


    In Paul's epistles, five times in Galatians and four times in 1 Corinithians we have the Aramaic form of Simon's new name - which translates into English as Cephas. That is NOT Greek. It's the Anglized version of Kepha (Kephas in its Hellenistic form). It means rock or bedrock, the same as Petra, which the young man explained to me made all the difference. It doesn't mean little rock or pebble. Christ is literally calling Peter the Rock of the Church.


    Why does Matthew use Petros then? Because Greek and Aramaic have different grammatical structures. In Aramaic you can use Kepha in both places. In Greek, you encounter the whole nouns having differing gender endings, IE you wouldn't give Simon a female name. Overall, I was very much disappointed with the LDS explaination.


    Much of it is explained here:



  6. Why should God build his Church on revelation?


    Revelation was only one aspect of the Israelite people/faith. Prophets were extremely important, especially when the Israelites were screwing up, but there were also Kings, High Priests, as well as Prophets. Christ's Davidic/Messianic/sacrificial personhood fulfilled all three, he is King, Priest and Prophet.


    Wouldn't John the Baptist have been a much more prophet-y prophet than Peter?

  7. The bolded and red above is what makes "essence" an incomplete depiction of ousia.  By the way, did you click on that underlined ousia word in my post?  It takes you to the Wikipedia entry of what that means.  It clearly defines why it says ., the divine substance, essence or nature instead of just substance itself or essence itself or nature itself - each of the 3 words having very slight variations in meaning, each of which encompasses ousia.


    But, it might be that we are not understanding each other because of my usage of the word "Physical".  This word is important in distinguishing Trinity from Godhead.  I am using the word physical as a label to what he is made of - his substance (incorporeal - not made of matter).  It was not meant to denote anthropomorphistic qualities to God.  I may be using that word incorrectly.


    Thanks for clarifying!



    Yeah, i think this is showing that it's extremely important to get one's terms correct as well, to make sure we're not talking about moving targets.


    From my friend's email (who is Catholic/completing his doctorate in philosophy)


    "What a catholic means by the term 'person' is 'an individual subsistence of a rational essence'. 'Individual' means that it is distinguished from some other, 'subsistence' means that it's real and continues to exist by fact of itself rather than inside of something else (the color red exists in a ball, a fictional character exists in a mind, but a human exists independently), 'rational' means intellectual or capable of apprehending truth, and 'essence' means the overarching and immanent principle which causes something to be the sort of thing that it is.


    On the other hand, a 'being' is 'an essence conjoined with an act of existence'. 'An act of existence' is the very reality of a thing. So, David, you came to exist before I did, and whichever one of us ceases to exist first won't cause the other to cease to exist. This is because, though our essence is the same (humanity), our acts of existence are separate.


    The reason that you can't see the logical coherency of the Trinity is because you're trying to make an analogy between how human persons are distinguished from one another and how the Divine Persons are distinguished. There isn't any analogy between the two. Our essence is conjoined to an act of existence according to the mode of efficient causation, ie we come to exist as human beings because of something outside of ourselves (our parents, space, etc). The Divine Essence is 'conjoined' to it's act of existence according to the mode of identity, ie God's essence and His act of existence are the same thing, so His essence is His act of existence.


    This is relevant because where one can err is in noticing that, in human persons, our acts of existence are and must be distinguished from one another, so no two human persons can 'share being'. In all instances and by definition two distinct acts of existence means two distinct persons for humans, and likewise, only one act of existence means only one person. This is different with God because His mode of being itself is different and disanalogous to how anything else exists.


    Not only do the three Divine Persons share the same essence, but they also share the same act of existence (since that is the essence after all). What individuates Them, therefore, is not what individuates human persons. Literally, the only thing which individuates Them is Their relationships with Each Other. They are the same being, since the act of existence is the same. God the Word and God the Father are One Being, identical in every respect of Their existence. How to understand the way that relationship can exist within one Being is fascinating as well, but I think I've used enough jargon for one facebook message . Feel free to ask for clarification; I've tried to distinguish the terms as best as possible, but I haven't really tried to explain them super specifically since that would have increased the size of this a lot."

  8. Yes the church does. 

    Any interpretation that supplants, hinders, or removes someone from being able to obtain blessings and covenants that God has for them, especially if it is instituted as law or doctrine will be abominable before the Lord.


    Take any one church, suppose its the one church that God has vested his authority to be able to seal both in heaven and on earth... then ask why does any other church not direct their members towards that one church that has that authority?



    I have no idea what you are talking about. We are all able to bless one another, to pray for one another, and the new covenant that God has created has been opened to all.


    I believe in authority, as seen in the Apostles and the primacy of Scripture/Tradition. For most of Christian history, the Church was not separate and there was no other "church". There was a universal Church with one faith, one line of bishops/priests, one laity, though many regional "rites" like the Roman/Western, the Eastern, the Alexandrian, the Armenian, etc. This authority was obviously granted to one head, to Peter, whose office has continued uninterrupted since Christ.

  9. Iguy, your understanding of the Trinity (Triune = adjective form of Trinity) is not correct.  In Trinitarian teaching, God is one in ousia which is not just His essence.  He is one physical substance.  The substance that is God has the power to manifest himself into 3 separate Persons, one proceeding from the other.  One of those Persons - that which is called Jesus Christ - is of mortal substance as fully as he is God substance.


    It is not very hard to understand, but it does take some maturity to intellectually grasp it just as all things pertaining to matters of faith.


    Let me know if you want to know how this contrasts to LDS concept of God.  And just so you know, LDS also believes that there is ONE GOD.


    Your use of Triune is correct, I have just never heard it before. Thank you for clarifying that. But I don't see in the Catecism the use of "physical substance." God created matter separate from himself - He does not conform to matter, but matter conforms to Him. My use of essense is more in line with the thinking and economy of the Trinity. From the Catechism -


    The dogma of the Holy Trinity

    253 The Trinity is One. We do not confess three Gods, but one God in three persons, the "consubstantial Trinity".83 The divine persons do not share the one divinity among themselves but each of them is God whole and entire: "The Father is that which the Son is, the Son that which the Father is, the Father and the Son that which the Holy Spirit is, i.e. by nature one God."84 In the words of the Fourth Lateran Council (1215), "Each of the persons is that supreme reality, viz., the divine substance, essence or nature."85

    254 The divine persons are really distinct from one another. "God is one but not solitary."86 "Father", "Son", "Holy Spirit" are not simply names designating modalities of the divine being, for they are really distinct from one another: "He is not the Father who is the Son, nor is the Son he who is the Father, nor is the Holy Spirit he who is the Father or the Son."87 They are distinct from one another in their relations of origin: "It is the Father who generates, the Son who is begotten, and the Holy Spirit who proceeds."88 The divine Unity is Triune.

    255 The divine persons are relative to one another. Because it does not divide the divine unity, the real distinction of the persons from one another resides solely in the relationships which relate them to one another: "In the relational names of the persons the Father is related to the Son, the Son to the Father, and the Holy Spirit to both. While they are called three persons in view of their relations, we believe in one nature or substance."89 Indeed "everything (in them) is one where there is no opposition of relationship."90 "Because of that unity the Father is wholly in the Son and wholly in the Holy Spirit; the Son is wholly in the Father and wholly in the Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit is wholly in the Father and wholly in the Son."91

  10. Iguy? I am not sure to whom your last post is referring, but, many of us are converts from other Christian faiths. Anatess was a Catholic and I grew up attending an Assemblies of God church and then later a Baptist church.


    In the event that you become a member, you will discover the truths that we declare the same way each of have, line upon line, here a little, there a little, as you are ready to receive it. Trying to figure out who is wrong and who is right is EXACTLY what led Joseph Smith to his knees in a grove of trees. The things of God can only be understood by the power of the Holy Spirit and nothing else.


    As the late Elder McConkie said, "God either stands revealed or remains forever unknown...."


    Good luck on your journey....


    Thank you for making some things clearer for me. I have a deep respect for LDS and I don't believe that fostering on how other's beliefs are wrong is very healthy, spiritually speaking. I am searching for God with all of my knowledge and will, and also pray for the Holy Spirit to illuminate my path to Him. I also believe in continuning revelation, albeit on a more personal level, but for me all the public revelation needed has already been given to us in the form of our brother and savior, Christ, who has perfectly fulfilled the law and whom all the prophets have pointed us toward.


    Thank you and God bless.

  11. I do not think you have a very sound basis of what the Trinity has been established to be. They do not share the same "physicality" but only the same "essense." Triune is not a term I am familiar with. God is not a cerberus but nor is he three separate/physical things, utterly independent from one another.


    "I and the Father are one."


    I realize this is hard to understand, but Aquinas and Augustine and the scholastics have all derived insights using scripture and philosophy/reason to understand the nature of God. The working knowledge of the Trinity and its applications show the basis of God being Love itself. If God is absolutely perfect, then he knows himself perfectly - this perfect self-knowledge is so complete and so real that it creates another essense, the mind of God, or the "logos" which is the Son. God loves the Son perfectly and the Son obeys the Father -  and that love is so perfect that it creates another thing of the same essense, the Holy Spirit. In complete communion, the Trinity is One God, One Lord.


    This was a huge part of my investigation and I hope any Catholic/Christian who believes in the Creeds/Trinity can correct my understanding of this.

  12. This sounds like a reference to my post, but I haven't the foggiest how it ties in.


    I cannot see the reasoning in linking and justifying the temporal limitations of the millions of souls from 100AD to 1800AD to the spatial limitations.


    I don't see God judging harshly a Hindu man living in poverty his entire life, having never been exposed to the Gospel or to Christ as rejecting His Son, or even to an Jew living in 400 BC that is unable to visit the Temple. God judges us accordingly, with mercy and with complete knowledge of us.


    That is NOT the same to me as God forsaking humanity for 1800 years after Christ came, gave authority to his Apostles, and promising this: "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." God likes time, God likes history, God likes a storyline-like way for humanity to reach him. I don't think God has called us to "re-baptize" and rewrite history, by baptizing the dead or saving salvation for the afterlife. THIS is the life he has given us and our history, from the moment Christ was incarnated to the second he rose and was assumed to the Father - and nothing was ever taken away or restored. Christ is not a weak promiser. We fail him daily, but he has never failed us.

  13. One of those truths restored in these Latter-Days is the teaching of Pre-Mortal Existence.  That is the human spirit is Eternal (just like energy and matter are Eternal).  Therefore, we existed prior to our being born on earth.  In Pre-Mortal Life, we were presented with the Plan of Salvation (Mortal Existence necessary for progression - you can read up on it here if you like) and Jesus Christ was chosen to be our Mediator, Lucifer rebelled, and some of the spirits, through their own free will, followed Lucifer while the others , through their own free will, followed Christ.  Under the direction of the Father, Christ then created the earth and those spirits who followed Christ were given mortal bodies.  Therefore, every single human being who ever lived on this planet has exercised their free will to follow Christ.  They are then born with the Light of Christ.  Yep... That includes Hitler and Stalin and the Unabomber... all chose to follow Christ before they were born on Earth and accepted their mortal path for their spirits to progress to the next life.


    So, when Traveler (who is LDS) refers to some folks as minions, he wasn't LITERALLY calling them minions.  It's just an artistic linguistic expression (or whatever you call it - English is not my first language) to contrast them with the "chosen people who were born in the land of Christians".


    Also, another one of those truths that were restored in these Latter-days is post-mortal life.  The LDS do not believe that you go to the fires of hell to suffer eternal torment if you're not Christian when you die.  Well, actually, it rather depends on what you consider as hell - I, myself, consider it hell if I die and never get to see my husband and children ever again.  In any case, the LDS give a big distinction between Salvation and Exaltation.  Even if you die non-Christian, you can still attain Salvation.  As a matter of fact, the only way you can forfeit your Salvation is if you have COMPLETE knowledge of Christ and then you choose not to accept His Atonement.  So, we can't tell you for sure if Hitler does not qualify for salvation... because we don't know if he has complete knowledge of Christ when he did all those atrocious things.  Now, as far as exaltation - all those who gained Salvation may attain one of the 3 degrees of "heaven" - Telestial, Terrestial, or Celestial Life.  Telestial is the least joy, Celstial is living with God.  But, even with Telestial Life - it is still infinitely better than Mortal Life...


    So, as far as LDS and how they look at all peoples all over the world and all over existence - I would say that out of all the Christian faiths, their beliefs are the ones who have the most charitable view of heaven for all people.  And the LDS believe that truth is not only found in the LDS faith.  Truth is found everywhere.  This is so important that it is codified in the LDS Articles of Faith as follows:


    11 We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.


    13 We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.





    And finally... if you are posting here to challenge the LDS beliefs, then I think you're on the wrong forum.  There are other forums that are more open to that type of discussion.  This forum is for you to learn about what the LDS believe and for the LDS to learn what non-LDS people believe.  This is not the forum for "my religion is better than your religion" topics.


    Not challenging, I respect the beliefs of all LDS, but I am investigating and wish to follow Christ. I am not Catholic or LDS, but the Catholic Church is the huge elephant in the room if one is looking for Christ's universal, united and Apostolic Church here on Earth. I appreciate the LDS's doctrine on respecting the truth of all religions and living in charity with others and their way of worshipping God. It truly shows that the LDS Church are following Christ as best as they can.


    The LDS Church's beliefs are certainly original and interesting, but they do not jive with my understanding of souls and immortality. I do not believe that matter and energy has always existed, that God simply "reorganized" everything to create the universe. I don't believe that Lucifer has a human soul, but is a spirit, a fallen angel and a tempter of man, a representation of sin and our free will's ability to reject God. I cannot believe in tiers of Heaven - this does not seem right to me, but I see the value in believing in it. My idea of hell is much more akin to C.S. Lewis's The Great Divorce - "hell" is not so much a physical place, but a separation from God, a created thing of pride and choice.


    But to get this back on topic, I cannot join a church that has God calling other faiths and other people's yearning for him as "abominations". I believe that God judges each of us individually, with mercy and compassion. The spatial and geographic limitations do not account for every way that we live our lives, our choices and our failures, or the times where we loved as he loved us, to the best of our abiliity/our culture/our time. But at the same time, Christ DID come here to create a Church, to place a mission with the Apostles to spread the gospel and welcome all peoples into the new covenant and welcome all into God's family.

  14. What about the minions that lived on the American continent from the onset of humanity until 1492? What about the vast populations of Asia prior to any word of Christianity reaching the villages and hamlets of the interior of that continent?


    Is this also a part of LDS theology? Considering human beings, made in the image of God, "minions?" Every myth, every crazy sacrificial and every polytheistic religion was false, but Man has ALWAYS been yearning for God in humanity's infancy. Read the Everlasting Man by G.K. Chesterton. My own studies in the Aztecs and Toltecs, as bloody as their sacrifices were, show that they were acting for noble ends - sustaining the universe and the cosmos. Of course they needed Christ - that was the whole point of him starting a Church, to spread the Gospel and start a new covenant with ALL of humanity.


    I don't think Asia or India or the Middle East having a different religion than Christianity affects any aspect of Christianity being true and established by Christ's Apostles. All the great religions are yearning for God, for the Creator and have incredible beauty and truth to them. Daoism and following the life of the Tao is finding a way to follow Christ, if not explicitly than practically.





    What about Charlemagne that took the Christian creeds of his day as reason to take his armies through northern Europe murdering men, women and children that did not believe the creeds you now defend.  He killed more souls than the dredged black plague.   What about the fact that not one Christian society (until 1649) ever attempted to pass a law that made the killing or taking of property from someone that did not “believe” the popular creeds of that society?  And then exempt or allow the murdering of anyone that did not believe the Trinity creed?  It was not until 1829 – just one year before the restoration of the LDS Church that a law was finally passed in any Christian society a law to  prevent the sentence of death for individuals living in that society just for not  believing in the Trinity.



    I don't think any Catholic is actively trying to defend sins, or how embedded the Church was with the State. But did these things ever go into doctrine? History remembers the bad things that have happened for sure. The Catholic Church has not covered up the actions of any king, dictator, pope or bishop, or made them saints or prophets. It's quite easy to pull out greed, murder, avarice, corruption and anything you'd like in the span of 2000 years. Men fail. Kingsdoms fall. Colonialism sucked. But none of these things ever affected the doctrine, the day to day spirtuality of people trying to follow Christ. For every corrupt priest, how many were faithful? Are you so sure that the whole thing had fallen?


    If you want to look at the actual doctrine, Thomas Aquinas propounded a powerful but limited doctrine of freedom of conscience. Based upon the incompatibility of belief and coercion affirmed by the young Augustine, Thomas contended that all human beings, Christian or not, had a moral obligation to follow even an erroneous conscience. This principle applied to everyone never previously exposed to the Christian message, such as Muslims and pagans.


    Also, I'm not sure why you're bringing up secular laws to disparage or defend Christianity or some kind of "Trinity inquisition." If you just wikipedia the actual Inquisition, you'll see that Rome/the Vatican denounced Spain's actions before they even began. The king of Spain shut out the Pope and began persecuting people anyway.


    Many say that the Constitution of the United States granted religious freedom while this country took property and lives of the Native Americans.  When Christianity came to the Americas there were about 40 million Native Americans.  Today there are less than 4 million.  I do not know what you believe to be an abomination if such things do not apply.



    Are these the same 40 million you called "minions?" Disease played a huge part of this. As a Mexican-American, I know full well the story of the Conquest, of Colombus enslaving and putting chains and lead balls around men's necks, of the indigenous losing their land to greedy colonizers, the racial-caste system and the extraction of South America's wealth into the coffers of Europe and the God Bless America's utter dependence on casting men as beasts of Burden.


    How does this affect the doctrines of Christianity? This only showed that men failed to live their faith - are we not completely guilty of the same thing in our time? Our countries actions are horrendous TODAY (drones, the 1980's in South America, Hiroshima) and yet we don't attack Christ or the Apostles or the structures of the Church because of this (at least in my circles we don't.) When the world goes to pot, it shows that we need the Catholic Church and its teachings even more.


    But I also know that the Church declared the indigenous had souls and were human beings, hundreds of years before it became mainstreamed and protected by law. I believe that Our Lady of Guadalupe was a blessing to Mexico and all of Americas, that the Gospel was inculcated into my ancestor's cultures, having appeared on the feast of their indigenous Easter. The soul of Latin America is Catholic and that will never change.


    The reality is that none of this actually matters or alters the love G-d has for all his children.  Christ came into the world – not to condemn mankind but to save mankind.  His plan is to save everyone that at the great judgment day that repent of their sins and plead and beg for mercy.  He will save the minions that lived on the American continent from the onset of humanity until 1492 that repent of their sins and plead and beg for mercy.  Christ will save the vast populations of Asia that lived prior to any word of Christianity reaching the villages and hamlets of the interior of that continent.


    This may seem arrogant to you that such doctrine and ideas are proclaimed by so few and only since 1830.   My personal quest for understanding has taken me a very different direction and down a rather different path that may seem arrogant to you and if that is your reason to find a different path – I do not condemn your choice – unless you intend to harm those that do not agree with you.  If you do that – I will be your adversary and defend them – even though I may disagree with their logic more so than I do yours.  I believe it their right to believe whatever religious ideas please them as long as they do not intend to harm others.


    If you find a better path – come back and share how you found something believed by so many and still missed by me.  If I could find something better I would change my path in a heartbeat.


    Thanks for the kind words, and I hope that all faiths can promote and act in God's love for humanity, through his Son and the Holy Spirit.

  15. The biggest part that makes me believe the "Great Apostasy" NEVER happened is Christ himself.


    He called his Apostles his friends, spent three years with them, pushed them, forgave them, broke bread with them. They lived their lives for Him and most of them DIED for him.


    Would Christ send out his friends to massively fail, after making so many promises to them? The entire history of the Old Testament is God being faithful to his people - he would not let them fail so easily.

  16. Thank you all for the many responses.


    I cannot agree with such statements as the one above that "The one great difference between the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and all other Churches is the same difference between the one true and living G-d and all other G-ds."


    To me, that is beyond arrogant, considering the LDS church is less than two-hundred years old. What about ALL the souls from 100AD to 1800AD? Souls that were striving to know/love/serve God after he sent his only Son to save us? Well, crap, I guess that Church hasn't been restored yet, better luck in the next life? That's kinda BS.


    I also think it's arrogant to think God could NOT use the Creeds for us to understand him, or even to explain the "unexplainable" parts about him. If God is truly transcendant, how could we possibly know 100% about him? For something/Someone so unbelievably higher than us, there MUST be planes/aspects about him that we simply cannot comprehand in this lifetime. The Trinity represents that for me. I don't find the Creeds stifiling, I find them pretty necessary - as necessary as an atlas or Google Maps is for finding our way spiritually/thealogically. Yeah, they're pretty boring, and for someone who has never seen a map before, they must look stifiling or even unnesccessary. But a map of a beautiful highland is not trying to describe the beauty/awesomeness of it, it's trying to help you navigate through it. Those are the Creeds for me.


    Also, after investigating the historical inaccuracies and the plain data that goes against Isralites ever stepping foot here, much less making any sort of impact, as well as going against everything I learned in Latin American studies, I cannot conclude that the Church established by Christ was ever "restored". Just by the numbers, I don't think 15 million Mormons have the stranglehold on truth and definitely not on service and serving the poor. There has to be something greater and I will continue searching.


    Thank you for all the help/considerations and opinions, I wish you all health and happiness and God's blessings!

  17. I think God can handle our doubt.


    Reason is a gift from God, and we should use it to our utmost ability, not to tear down our faith but to build it, so that the two of them can worship the Creator hand in hand.


    "Doubt puts the philosophies of men mingled with scripture above faith and understanding."


    If Men are made in God's image, their philosophies should strive to use all knowledge, all reason, all truth to lead to the Divine Knowledge, the Divine Reason, the Divine Truth, which is God.


    But MAN individually is limited. I do not know all things. I must use my God-given reason to investigate, discover and yes DOUBT all things and discover who God truly is (which has been revealed to us in Christ perfectly)

  18. I guess the word abomination just rubbed me the wrong way.


    noun: abomination; plural noun: abominations
    a thing that causes disgust or hatred.
    "this bill is an abomination to all mankind"
    synonyms: atrocity, disgrace, horror, obscenity, outrage, evil, crime, monstrosity, anathema, bane



    And I suppose if you believe in the LDS Church being restored, then the Creeds (Nicene Creed/Apostles Creed?) would have to be false and thus "wrong" about God. But the idea of a Creed in and of itself does not bother me, it doesn't seem inherently bad. To my understanding, they were developed out of the councils to defend against some pretty crazy ideas about God (I.E. Christ not being fully human, but a sort of God-hero, stuff like that)

  19. Hi all, I am new here. I am currently investigating the LDS church with the help of some missionaries. This troubled me deeply, as I believe there is truth in all creeds and churches and that God would appreciate anyone trying to worship him as they see it.



    "I was answered that I must join none of ... [the churches], for they were all wrong ...all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof. He again forbade me to join with any of them."

    History 1:19


    Does the LDS Church actually teach and believe this?