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  1. I really wish we could discuss this in person where discussion would move a lot quicker. There is a lot of background knowledge and understanding needed to enter into any good debate. Both candidates have skill in working with members of many parties. As far as Ron Paul not polling higher now? Romney's name has been touted on the MSM for months now, it takes time for momentum to build and with Ron Paul quadrupling his Q2 financial numbers things look up. Really polls at this early stage are more about name recognition than true support. It's hard to predict what will happen between now and November. Add three years of war to what was a close Kerry/Bush election and the Republicans probably don't have a chance with a pro-war candidate. Ron Paul's biggest hurdle is getting the Republican nomination, not the final vote. There can be no doubt that Ron Paul would move swiftly to withdraw the troops when most have waffled on this issue. As far as labeling one or the other at varying levels of conservatism, it's probably more productive to look at the issues. Ron Paul finds supports with social concerns such as ending War on Drugs and protecting the 2nd amendment that adds an appeal to voters understanding liberty and rights. I suppose there is no point going back and forth if neither of us are willing to change our positions. Maybe watch the videos I linked in the first post if you haven't already. Thanks for the discussion!
  2. Mitt Romney is no more proven than Ron Paul for A. Ron Paul has served numerous terms in congress just as Mitt has won a Governorship. In fact, with 70 percent of the US against the war in Iraq, Ron Paul is more likely to win the national election. Ron Paul is more conservative than Mitt Romney, but you can probably get away saying that Mitt Romney is moderately conservative by today’s standards. Point C is a strongpoint for Ron Paul: he consistency works with a wide mix of House Members and I know for a fact there is no shortage of liberals registering Republican for the sake of voting Ron Paul. Ron Paul’s voting record almost guarantees no backsliding once in office. People know they can count on him to reduce our presence in the Middle East.
  3. I’m very pleased to hear that you like Dr. Paul but I would encourage you to join in with support. With most of the Republican field unhappy with the current “top tier”, there is plenty of room for lesser known candidates. Ron Paul, quadrupling his first quarter donations, now has more cash on hand than John McCain. To vote for any candidate the Mainstream Media labels as a “top contender” is a shame if your beliefs don’t resonate well with that candidate. Most in the current field are identical on most of their beliefs besides Ron Paul: so casting a vote for Ron Paul in the Primaries is no loss because if any other candidate wins he is largely interchangeable with the next. Ron Paul’s views on Iraq and the “war on terror” are certainly different than the rest of the Republican field. His understanding of Iraq and the history of our involvement in that country show a concern in addressing the underlying issues behind our “war on terror” and our involvement in the Middle East rather than building to a fear of another terrorist attack. Here are some videos that, taken as a whole, restate and defend his position in ways that can’t be articulated in a one minute debate window. Documentary: History of US in Iraq: (First Part - Just link to the rest with “More from this user”) Ron Paul speaking on the House Floor: (There are countless videos that touch on Ron Paul’s stance in Iraq; this is just one of the better ones) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK8QAeMuGw8 This touches on Ron Paul being called an “isolationist” - towards the middle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAh9sp7ebdY Thanks!
  4. Hello all, I would encourage you to do research on all the candidates for President and not support Mr. Romney solely due to his membership in the church. Since I grew up Mormon I'm well aware that free will is an important foundation of Mormon teachings. Specifically, I would ask you to research a fellow Republican nominee who consistently supports the individual's right to liberty, limited government, and free will: Doctor and Congressman Ron Paul from Texas. Furthermore, I would encourage you to examine the United States' current foreign policy and the state of our Constitution in the US. To learn more, feel free to follow these links or do research on your own: Official Campaign Page: http://www.ronpaul2008.com/ Wikipedia Page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Paul Great Youtube videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWfIhFhelm8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXRnM55o6Ew Here are two historical speeches that are very useful: Listen to President Ezra Taft Benson's speech as Secretary of Agriculture for the United States making a speech in 1965: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kdD0xbubWs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yif110zXHME It is also good to hear President Dwight David Eisenhower's Farewell Speech, "Military/Industrial Complex", from 1961, as he warns us of the path we have now traveled down: Thanks!