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Everything posted by Chewy244

  1. Thank you everyone who responded to this in an uplifting way! I asked because I genuinely want to become better, so those who sorta talked down or suggested my being lukewarm or lazy, etc, missed the point - guess we all need to remember the point of everything to one degree or another.
  2. Thanks for the reply! I'm not sure if this answers my question, though... I agree that there isn't a huge amount of fire in the eyes of members (in general) regarding member missionary work. My question is: if things are set up to allow everyone to receive the truth, be it in this life or the next, what is the purpose of pulling as many in as possible? Even if the church's size grew 10 fold, it would be only a drop in the bucket of the world's all-time population... Is the reason simply to allow those who hear it to have a more peaceful mortal life?
  3. I've been wondering about something for a few weeks now. I've never liked going to church past sacrament meeting. The sacrament means a lot to me. I've had some tough church experiences in my life. I believe in LDS doctrines and have a testimony of the role of the savior... but I get a bit confused about the role of the church on earth. The exceptionally vast majority of people ever to inhabit this earth never heard about the gospel. No problem - the Lord has created the ability for them to be taught the gospel on the other side, and we can perform ordinances for them. Cool! Where my question comes in is here: if things are set up the way they are post-mortally, and the vast majority of people aren't going to be given a chance to live the gospel here on earth anyway... why is there such a push for missionary work? What is the benefit of having more people accept the gospel here on earth? It's certainly a great comfort to me knowing that Jesus Christ suffered for my sins, and there are other blessings tied to keeping the commandments, but that doesn't seem to cover the entirety of the endless push to bring people in/reactivate. What is the real purpose of the gospel on the earth? Simply to make life easier for the select few who find it? To create a framework for performing proxy ordinances during the millennium? I'm just genuinely confused...