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Everything posted by orcnorhn

  1. my girlfriend and me broke up 1 month ago.I have a many mistakes and she hates me now. Life is very hard for me now. I lost my hope.I lost my belief in marriage. I can not focus on my business because my mind is always full.I really wanted to have a family But I can not feel it anymore.I know she will not return but I think I don't want to believe it.Everything is getting worse I can sleep 3 or 4 hours.I don't like to talk to my friends and family about it because I don't like to look powerless.I don't know what to do.All my feelings have disappeared.normally ı'm a very happy person but I am in big void .I always blame myself.I am very unhappy and I fear that it will continue.ı'm 30 years old and this is very tiring for me.I can not think right now.I always think 'maybe ,maybe' Should I try to continue my life ?or should ı wait for her ? I don't know what to do. by the way My english is not excellent so I'm sorry for my wrongs.
  2. yes me too.Different cultures,different lives,new information we live in the same world but we have very different experiences and lives.To learn and talk about them this is really exciting
  3. thank you so much.I am happy to be here.
  4. really nice:) we have really fantastic desserts.We have a dessert made from chicken https://www.google.com.tr/search?q=tavuk+göğsü&rlz=1C1GTPM_enTR664TR664&espv=2&site=webhp&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiV3Pq947vTAhVSUlAKHS9hDW8Q_AUIBigB&biw=1024&bih=662
  5. Did you eat Turkish delight before?
  6. haha sorry sometimes ı need help beceuse ı think I need english practice.
  7. thank you:)I will need your help.
  8. thank you
  9. haha.Baklava is really perfect.ı can send I lived in Antalya for 2 years.Beach sea nature.You are lucky for you went here.but Izmir is much better than antalya .maybe we haven't amazing beach and nature but Izmir is the most modern city in turkey.
  10. thank you so much:)
  11. hello everyone.ı'm from izmir in turkey.ı've been attending meetings since 3 mounths.There is no church in here.I found this site while researching on the internet and I think this site will be useful for me.