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Everything posted by MollyMormon

  1. Maybe I'm not even sure what I actually mean...ha ha! Just always the good girl that's kinda tired of being the good girl, I guess. I don't know.
  2. You made some really good points. Thank you. By naughty I mean things like trying alcohol or gambling or watching bad movies, etc. I'm not sure why I'm feeling that way, other than I'm like the most boring person ever...never drank, tried any drugs, gambled, had sex before marriage, dated before I was 16, said a bad word since I was in 5th grade, watched a rated R movie (I actually don't even watch PG-13 movies), don't drink caffeine, etc. I'm about as straight laced as they come. I am feeling like I somehow missed out a little on the more typical "rebellion years" of young single adulthood, since i got married and had kids so young. I never got to spread my wings and experiment, and now I'm wishing I had, I guess.
  3. Thank you! I love everything you said! And I agree...I think my reasons for obeying aren't good enough. Now I just need to take the journey of figuring out what reasons are good enough.
  4. Thank you for your thoughts. I'm sure you're absolutely right about obeying for the wrong reasons. I don't know. I will definitely look into studying the Atonement, though. Great suggestion!
  5. Thank you for your reference to hurting Jesus! That definitely needs to be my focus!
  6. Congratulations on repenting and making the necessary changes! That's very admirable. Thanks so much for sharing your experience and insight. It was very eye opening!
  7. Thank you for your kind words, and thank you so much for sharing your experience! I definitely needed to hear this!
  8. Yeah, that's the problem...the desire is to actually do things that are sins.
  9. You made me laugh, so thank you for that! I enjoy sexual relations without procreating, I have eaten after midnight, although I don't drink caffeine. ;-) Things that have been tempting to me lately would be trying alcohol or gambling, watching a bad movie, etc.
  10. Thank you for your wonderful suggestions! You have me a lot to think about!
  11. You might be right...I'm not totally sure, but I definitely need to look into some bucket list type stuff. Thank you!
  12. I am in my mid 30s and have been a member my whole life. I've "always" done the right thing, meaning I've never rebelled or committed any major sins. I got married in the temple when I was 18, got pregnant about a month later and am still happily married and have more kids. Here's the thing...I have this constant pull lately to want to be rebellious. I still do all the right things: serve faithfully in my calling, go visiting teaching, read my scriptures and pray everyday, have FHE every Monday, etc. But for some reason I can't get the desire to be a little naughty, for once, out of my head. I was the ultimate Molly Mormon growing up, and still am to this day, but I'm kinda wanting to ditch that identity. I know it's wrong, but I'm having this major internal battle going on. Please help! Any advice is appreciated!