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Everything posted by tjutah2016

  1. recently I life hasn't really been that great. There has been a lot of things I have been praying about. For example. School. Saving up to go to college. I've only finished one year of college. I had to stop for a bit because I didn't have to funds to continue. I've been praying and the only prompting I get is to save money. Just when I had enough to pay tuition I get a major concussion that results in a hefty medical bill and now my savings are gone. I prayed about it again so I started saving up again. but Once again as soon as I got enough to for college. I break some equipment at work that I have to pay for myself. That was just last month. now my savings are drained again. This has been similar with dating. I pray about a girl Ive been going out with and I feel great about her. I go to the temple, pray there and I still feel great. But It never goes anywhere. I feel like I listen to the Lord a lot and follow what I believe is his promptings only to be lead time and time and time again to the same pathway that is blocked by massive gate. Ive recently felt like God has been mocking me. Sending me these good feelings about these girls even though he knows it won't work out. Or that he waits right until Im ready to spend money on college to send a disaster and destroy that thought. I Don't know maybe Im just being so negative. I just feel like The Lord knows exactly what it is I want and need, but for some reason He holds it back. I just don't understand Ive done everything Ive been asked to. Fullfilled my calling and invited people to church/institute and yet I don't see any blessings. even says have Patience but how can I have patience if nothin has changed in the past 5years? Id not really know what I am asking here. but if y'all have any advice I would really appreciate it. thanks y'all